
[中图分类号]F840.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)01-0015-17 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.01.002


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[摘   要]基于我国农业保险农户参保率存在典型的“区域分化”特征这一事实,本文在估算省际农险农户参保率基础上,在宏观数据维度构建了农业保险农户参保决策方程,对农险农户参保率的区域异质性进行了解释。结论表明,中、西部地区较高的农险农户参保率,实际是种植结构中“粮棉油糖”作物占比较高、参保地政府隐性规制约束力度较强,以及替代性收入渠道匮乏共同作用的结果。而东部地区较低的农险农户参保率,一方面是源自非农性收入可获性高降低了农险的风险补偿价值;另一方面较弱的参保规制约束及农险产品所提供的风险保障无法对接农户风险需求,也使得农险缺乏对新型农业经营户的吸引力。最后,考虑到农险参保“区域分化”特征的存在将使得农险“扩面”目标的实现在不同地区存在完全不同的政策路径,本文给出了相关政策建议。




Regional Differentiation of Agricultural Insurance Participation Rates in China—The Explanation from the Planting Structure and Alternative Income Channels


Abstract:Based on the fact that the agricultural insurance participation rate in China has typical “regional differentiation” characteristics,this paper constructed farmers' insurance decision-making equations to provide an explanation for the regional heterogeneity of agricultural insurance participation rates in the macro-data dimension.The result showed that:the higher agricultural insurance participation rates in the central and western regions were attributed to the high percentage of grain,cotton,cooking oil and sugar in the planting structure,strong implicit government constraints and the lack of alternative income channels.And the lower agricultural insurance participation rates in the eastern region were attributed to the lower compensation value of agricultural insurance due to high non-agricultural income availability,the weaker insurance participation constraints and the mismatch between agricultural insurance’s risk protection function and farmers' risk needs.Finally,considering the existence of the “regional differentiation” characteristics of agricultural insurance participation,completely different policy paths should be taken to achieve the “expansion” target of agricultural insurance in different regions.This paper offered relevant policy recommendations accordingly.

Key words:agricultural insurance;agricultural insurance participation rate;planting structure;alternative income
