[中图分类号]F842.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)01-0032-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.01.003
[摘 要]在“理性经济人”的假定条件下,基于生产者行为理论就农业保险财政补贴对粮食产出的激励效应进行了理论分析。研究表明,农业保险补贴可以通过两种途径影响粮食产出:一是通过提供较高保障的农业经营收入以鼓励农民加大农业生产投入,进而提高粮食作物的单位产出水平;二是通过对粮食作物和经济作物实施不同的保费补贴标准,引导农民改变不同农作物的种植面积进而扩大粮食作物的种植规模。就当前实施的农业保险补贴政策来说,由于绝大部分地区的保障水平都比较低,目前通过农业保险补贴来增加粮食产量的实际效应相当有限。如果政府想利用农业保险来增加粮食产出水平,可以通过适当提高粮食主产区农业保险的保障水平,为种粮大户构建政策性保险与商业保险相结合的农业保险模式,以及对粮食类作物和经济类作物保险采取差异化补贴政策来实现。
Incentivizing Effect of Policy Agricultural Insurance on Grain Output
Abstract:Under the assumption of “rational economic man”,and based on the producer behavior theory,the paper made a theoretical analysis of the incentivizing effect of agricultural insurance premium subsidy on food output.The results showed that agricultural insurance subsidies affected food output in two ways:firstly,by providing higher guarantee on agricultural income to encourage farmers to increase agricultural inputs and thereby increase grain’s unit output;secondly,by implementing different subsidy standards for cash crops and grains to guide farmers to change the planting area of different crops and expand the scale of grain planting.As far as the current agricultural insurance subsidy policy is concerned,its actual effect of increasing food production is rather limited because the protection level is quite low in most regions.If the government wants to use agricultural insurance to increase food output,it can build an agricultural insurance model that combines policy insurance with commercial insurance for the large grain farmers,appropriately raise the level of agricultural insurance protection in the main grain producing areas,and apply a differentiated subsidy policy for food crop and cash crop insurance.
Key words:food security;agricultural insurance;subsidy policy;incentivizing effect