
[中图分类号]F840.32 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)01-0058-17 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.01.005


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]目前,普惠保险已走入人们视野,但其概念尚不明确。界定普惠保险概念应首先明确普惠理念是什么?本文对当前主流公平观进行辨析,发现罗尔斯主义公平观更符合中国普惠政策,因此,以罗尔斯的“最少受惠者利益最大化”作为普惠保险的基本价值理念,给出了普惠保险的概念。本文分别通过对中国普惠保险与包容性保险的整体发展水平(2008~2016年)和分地区发展水平(2008~2015年)的测算及比较发现,中国普惠保险发展的整体水平与包容性保险发展的整体水平差距明显,且这一差距还在不断加速扩大;而各地区的普惠保险发展水平都大幅低于当地包容性保险发展水平,且不一定与当地经济发展完全挂钩,地区间普惠保险发展趋势也各有异同。同时,我们认为,普惠保险发展可能是由特定社会观念下的经济制度所决定的,并能体现一个国家、一个民族对普惠理念的真正认同、接受与践行。本文研究结论对普惠保险研究以及今后普惠保险政策制定都具有一定的理论和现实意义。


[基金项目]国家社科基金重大项目“农业灾害风险评估与粮食安全对策研究”(13 & ZD161);四川省科技厅项目“农业指数保险与农户参保行为:理论模型及政策分析”(2016ZR0134)。


Inclusive Insurance and Its Development Level Measurement

SUN Rong,WU Jian,CUI Wei-wei

Abstract:At present,inclusive insurance has come into our vision,but its concept is not clear.To define the concept of inclusive insurance,we should first clarify the concept of inclusive.This paper analyzed current mainstream views of equity and found that Rawls' view of equity is more in line with China's inclusive policy.Therefore,the concept of inclusive insurance was given based on Rawls' principle of “maximizing the interests of the least advantaged”.By comparing the overall level of development of China's general inclusive insurance and inclusive insurance (2008-2016) and the level of development by province (2008-2015),we found that the gap between the overall level of development of China's general inclusive insurance and inclusive insurance was significantly different,and the gap was still widening at an accelerating speed.The development level of local inclusive insurance was much lower than that of local general inclusive insurance,and it was not necessarily related to the local economic development.The development trend of inclusive insurance was also different across different provinces.At the same time,we believe that the development of inclusive insurance may be determined by the economic institution under the specific social concept,and can reflect the real recognition,acceptance and practice of the inclusive concept by a country or a nation.The conclusion of this paper has certain theoretical and practical significance for the study of inclusive insurance and the policy making of inclusive insurance in the future.

Key words:inclusive insurance;inclusive concept;level measurement;Rawlsianism;disadvantaged groups
