
[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)01-0098-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.01.008


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[摘   要]通过对保单现金价值返还请求权执行说的反思,发现该学说关于保单现金价值返还请求权系附条件债权的观点存在问题,法院和债权人通过代位解除保险合同的执行方法,更是过度干预投保人与保险人之间的合同自由,同时损害被保险人和受益人的利益,且不符合强制执行法上的比例原则要求。保单现金价值具有多元的变现方式,应重新确立保单质押贷款权、投资账户价值部分提取权、分红请求权作为对保单现金价值强制执行的标的,并在此基础上对强制执行方法进行重构,以助于实现债权人、投保人、保险人、被保险人和受益人之间的利益平衡。



A Reflection on and the Reconstruction of the Compulsory Enforcement of Insurance Policy’s Cash Value

HE Li-xin,LIANG Jia-cheng

Abstract:By reflection on the theory on the right of claim for cash value refunding of insurance policies,we found that the theory’s standing that cash value refunding was a conditional creditor’s rights was problematic.And creditors or courts’ entitlement to rescind the insurance contract through the right of subrogation was not only excessive interfering in the freedom of contract between the insured and insurer,but also an encroachment on the interests of the insured and beneficiaries.It was also a deviation from the principle of proportionality of the compulsory enforcement law.The cash value of insurance policies can be cashed in multiple ways,and the rights attached to insurance policies such as pledged loan,partial withdrawal of the value of the investment account,and claim for policy dividends should be re-established and regarded as the object of compulsory enforcement.Moreover,the enforcement method should be reconstructed on this above basis in order to achieve a balance of interests among the creditor,the insured,insurer and the beneficiary.

Key words:cash value;right to rescind the contract;right of subrogation;cashing methods;compulsory enforcement
