[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)01-0112-16 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.01.009
[摘 要]涉及自愿责任保险的多数人侵权理论和实践存在争论,无论是多数人侵权责任的体系,还是保险人责任的承担都未能明晰。应当明确,多数人侵权分为共同侵权和分别侵权,连带责任不仅适用于共同侵权,分别侵权中的“可能原因力”案型也应当适用。在多数人侵权承担外部连带责任时,保险合同没有约定或者约定不明时,自愿责任保险人应当就被保险人的外部责任进行赔付。在保险合同充分告知的情况下,明确约定了“按份赔付”条款,该条款应当有效,保险人仅需就内部责任进行赔付。《保险法司法解释(四)》第16条在文义上未能清晰表述,需要以责任保险的内涵和目的为基础,结合上述结论重新阐释。
A Study on the Liability of the Insurer in the Tort by the Majority—Comment on Article 16 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Insurance Law (IV)
FENG De-gan
Abstract:There are disputes on the theory and practice of tort by the majority involved in voluntary liability insurance.Neither the system of tort liability for the majority nor the liability of the insurer can be clearly defined.It should be made clear that tort by the majority is divided into joint infringement and separate infringement.Joint and several liability is not only applicable to joint infringement,but also applicable to the case of “probable cause force” in separate infringement.In the case of tort by the majority upon external joint and several liability,if the insurance contract has no stipulation or the stipulation is not clear,the voluntary liability insurer shall compensate the insured for the external liability.If the insurance contract,on condition of being fully informed,clearly stipulates a “pay-by-share” clause,the clause should be valid and the insurer only needs to pay for the internal liability.Article 16 of the Judicial Interpretation of Insurance Law (IV) has not clearly stated its meaning.It needs to be reinterpreted on the basis of the connotation and purpose of liability insurance and the above conclusions.
Key words:voluntary liability insurance;pay by share;joint and several liability;tort by the majority;joint tort