
[中图分类号]F840.66 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)03-0103-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.03.008


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[摘   要]目前我国的收入保险主要以是“产量保险+价格保险”的形式呈现,费率厘定采用自然灾害责任和价格责任单独计算损失率后相加的方法,与实际的收入保险存在一定差异。本文结合美国收入保险的定价经验,探讨了适合我国现状的收入保险产品类型,研究收入保险产品的定价技术,对影响收入保险的要素进行论证,并完成了东北地区粮食集中产区——辽宁省级、地市级费率厘定的全流程分析,为收入保险试点做好定价储备工作。建议我国现阶段发展以目标价格进行赔付的收入保险(RP-HPE)产品为主,试点时以地市作为承保单元进行展业;统一全国各省农作物产量数据发布口径及明确各省发布机构,以省级产量数据为基础,积累地市级、县级产量数据;利用收入保险助推农产品价格改革,用收入保险替代现有的价格支持政策,先从玉米、大豆收入保险开始着手试点。



A Research on Crop Revenue Insurance Rating at Provincial and Municipal Levels—with Corn and Soybean of Liaoning Province as Examples

TIAN Jing,ZHANG Lang,YUAN Jia-zi

Abstract:Most of crop revenue insurance in China takes the form of “yield protection +price protection”,and premium rating is based on the sum of the respective loss ratio of natural disaster liability and price liability,which deviates from the actual revenue insurance.Drawing on premium rating practices of crop revenue insurance in the United States,this paper studied the types of revenue insurance suitable for China,premium rating expertise and affecting factors.It also conducted an empirical analysis of the entire premium rating determination process for the crop production base,Liaoning,at the provincial and municipal levels,thus providing data sources for the pilot program of crop revenue insurance.It offered suggestion that China should mainly develop revenue insurance against target prices (RP-HPE) with municipal market as the principal business prospecting targets in the pilot program;standardize nationwide crop yield disclosure standards and designated disclosure body,with provincial data as the basis,and gradually accumulating municipal and county-level data;use crop revenue insurance to propel crop price reform,and replace the current price support policy with revenue insurance,starting from corm and soybean revenue insurance.

Key words:comprehensive revenue insurance;revenue insurance;Revenue Protection -Harvest Price Exclusion;premium rating research
