[中图分类号]F840.32 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)04-0057-09 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.04.005
[摘 要]数字经济的深入推进正深刻地改变着保险企业的内外部环境,数字化战略转型成为保险企业发展必然选择。本文首先从外部环境推动和内部能力重塑拉动两方面剖析了保险企业数字化战略转型的动因,随后对保险企业数字化战略转型的内涵和特征进行阐释,在此基础上构建了保险企业数字化战略转型的“转型动因-转型过程-转型成效”的实现框架。建议保险企业从客户交互端、业务运营端以及支持保障端三大层面及九大维度着手进行变革转型,本文的研究试图对企业数字化战略转型的理论研究和管理实践有所启示。
A Research on the Strategic Digital Transformation Path of Chinese Insurance Enterprises
Abstract:The deepening of the digital economy is profoundly changing the internal and external environment of insurance companies,and the strategic digital transformation has become the inevitable way for the development of insurance companies. This paper analyzed the drivers of strategic digital transformation from the external environment and the internal capacity reshaping. Then it explained the connotation and characteristics of the concept of strategic digital transformation for insurance companies. Finally,it constructed the execution framework of “transformation drivers,transformation process,transformation effect” for insurer's strategic digital transformation. It proposed that insurers should carry out the transformation from three levels of customer interaction,business operation and back-office support,and nine dimensions to realize their digitization. Hopefully,the paper is of some inspiration for theoretical research and management practices on strategic digital transformation.
Key words:digital economy;insurance enterprise;digitalization;stratgic transformation