[中图分类号]F842.6;F328 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)05-0069-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.05.005
[摘 要]本文探讨了新型农村社会养老保险是否对低收入的贫困群体的生活产生更显著的效用,从而论证该制度是否助力扶贫工作。因为养老金是收入的组成部分,而收入有边际效用递减的特点,因此养老金对不同收入群体的效用可能存在差别。本文按家庭人均收入水平区分贫困与非贫困群体,基于CHARLS 2011~2015年数据,采用多维贫困指标,使用断点回归发现新农保养老金对贫困参保群体在食品消费方面产生更显著的效用,有助于扶贫工作。并使用含复杂时变效应的二元变量模型,进一步发现该效用在养老金开始发放时显现。本文结论有利于认识新农保政策对扶贫的作用,并将扶贫工作和已有的社会保险政策结合,以提高扶贫工作效率。
The Influence of the New Rural Social Pension Insurance on Poverty-stricken Population—Based on an analysis of CHARLS 2011-2015 panel data
ZHANG Yue-hua,WANG Y-ixiao
Abstract:This paper examined whether the new rural social pension insurance benefited the poverty-stricken group in order to find out whether it was effective for poverty alleviation. Pensions are part of personal income and have the characteristic of diminishing marginal utility,so the impact of pensions varies for different income groups. Based on the data of CHARLS 2011-2015 and dividing groups by per-capita average income of families,this paper applied the multi-dimensional poverty indicator and breakpoint regression method. The results showed that the new rural social pension insurance had a greater positive impact on food consumption of poor groups,so it helped alleviate poverty. Then the time-varying effect method was applied which illustrated that this effect appeared as soon as the pension was delivered. The conclusions indicated the benefits of new rural social pension insurance on poverty alleviation and would help to lift the efficiency of government poverty alleviation work.
Key words:new rural social pension insurance;poverty alleviation;breakpoint regression;time-varying effects