
[中图分类号]F840.61 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)05-0097-10 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.05.007


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[摘   要]医疗保险制度作为一项重要公共政策,对提升新生儿健康水平具有重要作用。国外学者关于医疗保险对新生儿健康的影响做了详尽研究。我国医疗保险制度与国外模式不同,但国内却鲜有研究关注此领域。本文采用倾向性评分匹配法,探讨医疗保险制度对新生儿健康的影响。本文的基本判断是:现行的医疗保险制度显著提高了新生儿的健康水平,并且对于流动人口及城职保参保对象等群体的新生儿健康的促进作用更大。这为进一步提高医保覆盖率、完善医疗保险制度提供了理论依据与决策支持。




A Study on the Impact of the Social Health Insurance System on the Health of the Newborns

TANG Di,GAO Xiang-dong,FANG Zhong-shu

Abstract:As an important public policy,the social health insurance system is critical to the lifting of the health of newborns. Foreign scholars have done thorough research on the effects of social medical insurance on the health of newborns. Such social research or study is rarely seen in China. The paper used the propensity score matching method to study the impact of the system on the health of the newborns. It drew the conclusion that the existing social health insurance system prominently enhanced the health of the newborns,especially for those whose parents were non-resident population or covered by the social medical insurance system for urban employed individuals. This provides a strong theoretical basis and policy support for the government to further increase the health insurance system coverage and improve the system.

Key words:social health insurance system;health of the newborns;selectiveness
