[中图分类号]F840.65;F316.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)05-0117-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.05.009
[摘 要]美国的牲畜价格指数保险是世界上最早产生且保险方案相对比较完善的农产品价格保险,它是美国将作物收入保险的经验向畜牧业延伸的结果。通过保险方案的设计和再保险安排,美国牲畜价格指数保险在解决农业价格保险可行性问题上取得了一定效果。相对于期货与期权工具,美国牲畜价格指数保险具有准入门槛和交易成本更低等优势,但也存在操作不够灵活等劣势,总体而言,更适合美国的中小规模生产者,而对大规模生产者吸引力较弱;且与期货与期权工具类似,美国牲畜价格指数保险只能提供年度内的价格风险保障,无法如美国的农产品计划项目那样提供跨年度的价格风险保障。从运行结果来看,美国的牲畜价格指数保险的承保规模较小,且没有发展成为美国占主导地位的价格风险管理工具的趋势。美国牲畜价格指数保险的经验及局限性对中国具有如下启示:错开农产品价格保险的承保期间;建立农产品价格保险再保险制度;探索多种政策可能性管理农产品价格风险。
Experience and Limitation of U.S. Livestock Price Index Insurance
WANG Bi-wang,WANG Ke
Abstract:U.S. livestock price index insurance is the first and relatively well-designed agricultural price insurance in the world. The successful experience of U.S. crop revenue insurance propels the emergence of U.S. livestock price index insurance. To some extent,U.S. livestock price index insurance could deal with the price insurance feasibility problems through its product design and reinsurance system. It has lower access threshold and transaction cost,but less operational flexibility than futures and options,so it attracts smallholder producers,but is not quite attractive to large-scale producers. Like futures and options,it can just provide intra-year price risk protection,but not inter-year price risk protection as U.S. farm commodity programs. The coverage level of U.S.livestock price index insurance is quite low and tend not be the dominant management tool for livestock prive risk in the U.S. The enlightenment for China are as follows:a) stagger the insurance period of agricultural price insurance;b)establish the reinsurance system for agricultural price insurance;c)try different methods to manage agricultural price risk.
Key words:price index insurance;price risk management;livestock