[中图分类号]F842 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)08-0070-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.08.005
[摘 要]2018年5月,个人税收递延型商业养老保险在上海市、福建省和苏州工业园区展开试点,在一定程度上激励了个体的投保热情。而伴随着2018年新一轮的个人所得税税制改革,税延型养老保险的税收激励大幅下降,受益群体的范围严重缩减。本文通过构建工资性收入个体在投保环节和养老金领取阶段的精算模型,运用数值模拟比较了税延型养老保险在新旧个税税制下的受益群体范围,同时测算了在维持旧个税税制下受益群体范围不变的前提下,新个税税制下养老金领取阶段的缴税税率以及此时的财政负担。文章得出结论:如果要维持旧个税税制下税延型养老保险的受益群体范围,税延型养老保险应较大幅降低领取阶段的缴税税率,但这并不会导致财政成本的增加。在此基础上,文章对如何推动我国税延型养老保险的良性发展提出了相关合理建议。
An Analysis of the Beneficiary Groups and Financial Burden of Individual Tax Deferred Pension Insurance—A comparison of the new and old personal income tax systems
ZHOU Hai-zhen,WU Jun-qing
Abstract:Individual tax deferred commercial pension insurance has been piloted in Shanghai,Fujian and Suzhou industrial parks for more than one year,which has stimulated individual enthusiasm for insurance to a certain extent. With the new round of personal income tax reform in 2018,the scope of tax-deferred pension insurance beneficiaries has been severely reduced. By constructing the actuarial model of the individuals at the premium contribution and pension collection stages,this paper compared the scope of the beneficiary groups under the old and new tax systems through numerical simulation. Under the premise of the same scope of beneficiary groups under the old tax system,the paper also calculated the tax payment rate and the financial burden at the pension collection stage under the new tax system. The article shows that the tax-deferred pension insurance should reduce the tax rate at the collection stage substantially if it wants to maintain the same beneficiary group scope under the old tax system,and which will not lead to the increase in financial burden. On this basis,relevant suggestions for promoting the sound development of tax-deferred pension insurance in China are put forward.
Key words:tax deferred commercial pension insurance;beneficiary group;financial burden;numerical simulation;the new and old personal income tax systems