
[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2019)09-0003-08 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2019.09.001


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[摘   要]今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年。70年来,伴随着国家建设和改革开放的伟大进程,保险业取得了令人瞩目的成就。我国保险监管体制经历了初期监管、集中监管、专门监管、协同监管等四个阶段。随着监管体制的演进,保险监管法律制度体系积极适应现实需要,朝着科学、完备、协调的目标向前迈进,在促进行业健康发展和有效实施保险监管等方面也取得明显成效。保险业发展的辉煌成就,与保险监管工作密不可分。在监管实践中积累的许多宝贵经验,为进一步推进保险监管法制建设提供了有益借鉴,即坚持党的领导,坚持市场化、法治化方向,坚持监管姓监,坚持以人为本。新时代的保险监管法制建设,要准确把握保险监管法制建设面临的新形势,持续提升保险监管质效,深入推进保险法律制度体系建设。



A Review of Insurance Regulation Evolution in 70 Years and Future Prospect

LIU Fu-shou

Abstract:This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.During the past 70 years,the insurance industry in China has made remarkable achievements along with national construction and reform and opening-up.The insurance regulatory mechanism has traversed four stages,namely primary stage regulation,centralized regulation,specialized regulation,and coordinated regulation.Along with the evolution of the regulatory mechanism,insurance regulatory laws and systems are proactively adapted with the actual situations and become increasingly scientific,complete and coordinated,and accordingly,more and more effective in promoting the industry’s healthy development and conducting industry supervision.The impressive achievements of the insurance industry is inseparable with effective regulation,and those valuable experiences accumulated in regulatory practices will be useful reference for further construction of regulations and rules,namely,adhering to the Party’s leadership,market-orientation,and the rule of law,and adhering to the regulation nature of the regulator and people-orientation.The construction of regulatory system in the new era should fully grasp the new situations,aim at continuously enhancing regulatory effectiveness,and further advance the insurance regulatory framework and system.

Key words:insurance regulation;legal construction;reform and opening-up
