[中图分类号]F841.0 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2020)01-0079-08 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.01.006
[摘 要]偿付能力监管是各国保险业监管的核心,目前国际上很多国家的保险监管正在对本国偿付能力监管规则进行更新升级工作。作为国际重要离岸保险与再保险中心的新加坡,在其监管机构的推动下对现行风险基础资本监管规则进行了重大升级,新的第二代风险基础资本监管规则于2020年1月1日起在新加坡保险行业正式实施。新加坡的偿付能力监管规则更新升级工作值得我国研究。本文对新加坡第一代风险基础资本监管规则和2020年1月1日实施的第二代风险基础资本监管规则进行梳理比较,分析了技术层面的量化框架升级和政策层面的行业发展导向,为我国目前正在推进的偿二代二期工程建设提供参考与借鉴。
The Change of RBC Regulations in Singapore and Its Enlightenment for C-ROSS in China—Based on the Perspective of Property Insurance
LI Xiao-xuan,LU Shan
Abstract:Solvency regulation is the core of insurance regulation in all countries,and many countries in the world are updating their solvency regulatory regimes. As an important international offshore insurance and reinsurance center,Singapore has completed the major upgrade of its existing risk-based capital regulatory system under the direction of its regulatory authorities. The RBC 2 regulatory system will take effect in Singaporean insurance industry since January 1,2020. The upgrading of the RBC regulatory system in Singapore is worth researching for China. This paper sorted out the current RBC regulatory rules in Singapore and the RBC 2 regulatory rules to be implemented on January 1,2020,and analyzed the quantitative framework upgrade at the technical level and the industry development orientation at the policy level. It can provide some enlightenment for the second phase of the C-ROSS project that is currently being promoted in China.
Key words:Singapore;insurance regulation;Risk-based Capital;C-ROSS