[中图分类号]F842.69 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2020)03-0055-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.03.005
[摘 要]科技保险是科技创新支持体系的关键组成部分。试点十余年来,尽管政府一直对科技保险实行高比例的财政补贴政策,但至今市场需求一直低迷。根本原因在于,现行同质化的财政补贴政策未能契合科技保险需求的异质性特征,难以对科技保险需求形成有效激励。据此,本文在分析科技保险补贴现状和问题的基础上,对科技保险需求异质性问题进行了理论阐述,指出科技保险需求的异质性归根结底来源于高技术行业的异质性。随后,通过建立行业创新风险衡量指标体系,以广东省为例对六大高技术行业的创新风险进行了定量研究,并以此提出了基于行业异质性和险种分类的二维科技保险分类补贴方案。
The Optimization of Fiscal Subsidy Policies for Science and Technology Insurance from the Perspective of the Heterogeneity of Demand
LI Ya-qing,LIANG Xiao-yuan,WANG Zi-long
Abstract:Science and Technology Insurance(S&T Insurance) is the significant component of the technological innovation support system.The governments have been providing high subsidies to S&T Insurance in the past decade of pilot.But so far the demand still remains low.The fundamental reason for the problem lies that the homogeneous subsidy policy is not compatible with the heterogeneity of S&T Insurance demand and thus it cannot act effectively as desired.The paper analyzed the current situation and the main problems of the subsidy policy and concluded that the demand heterogeneity ultimately originated from the heterogeneity of high-tech industry.In consideration of this,the paper suggested to establish an index system for measuring innovation risks,and made a quantitative study on industrial innovation risks based on the database of Guangdong Province.Finally,the paper proposed a two-dimensional scheme for the subsidy policy considering both the heterogeneity of high-tech industry and differences among different insurance products.
Key words:S&T Insurance; fiscal subsidies; the demand heterogeneity;innovation risk