[中图分类号]F842 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2020)03-0003-09 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.03.001
[摘 要]在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的过程中,保险业以高度的社会责任感和专业精神,积极响应,迅速行动,得到了政府、社会和客户的广泛好评。但与此同时,保险业作为社会风险管理制度安排,在抗击疫情中,特别是在减少疫情影响、确保经济稳定方面,能够发挥的作用相对有限。为此,保险业要以这次抗击疫情为契机,按照问题导向的原则,正本清源地开展系统性总结与反思,进行全面整改与提升。首先,需要提高站位,全面融入现代社会治理体系,通过理论、技术和模式创新,为公共安全和公共卫生突发事件管理,以及社会稳定和经济发展发挥应有和更大的作用;其次,这次抗击疫情凸显了保险行业发展理念、经营模式和管理技术的许多深层次问题,保险业不应就事论事地看问题,而应在全面回顾、总结和反思的基础上,追根溯源、抽丝剥茧地分析原因,拨乱反正、举一反三地进行整改,将这次抗击疫情作为推动行业全面深化改革和转型升级的重要机遇和动力。
A Review of and Reflection on the Insurance Sector’s Fight against COVID-19 and the Enlightenment
Abstract:The insurance sector has exhibited a high sense of responsibility and professionalism in their fight against COVID-19.Its fast response and quick action have won wide acclamation of different levels of government,the society and insurance consumers.However,the insurance sector,as an institutional arrangement for managing social risks,only plays a limited role in reducing COVID-19’s impacts and maintaining economic stability.Therefore,the sector should sum up experiences and lessons from this epidemic with a problem-driven approach,and systematically reflect on how to redress this situation and make improvement.Firstly,the insurance sector should take a high stance,integrate itself into the modern social governance system,and strive to play its due and bigger role in managing social security and public health issues and maintaining social stability and economic development.Secondly,the fight against COVID-19 has highlighted many deep-level problems of the insurance sector regarding its development concept,operational model and management skills.The insurance sector shouldn’t judge this issue superficially.It should,on the basis of a comprehensive review,summary,and reflection,get to the root of this matter,make a painstaking investigation to retrieve the causes,and rectify the problem while drawing experiences for tackling similar issues.In one word,it should regard the fight against the epidemic as an important opportunity and driving force for promoting all-round and deepened reform and transformation.
Key words:epidemic prevention and control; public health; social governance; institutional innovation; InsurTech; reform of the insurance sector