[中图分类号]D922.286 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2020)04-0101-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.04.008
[摘 要]直接请求权越来越受到理论界和实务界的关注。韩国未加入规定有直接请求权的国际公约,但其《商法》第724条第2款对直接请求权作出专门规定,该规定一般解释为无限制的权利,且为强制性规定。但当保险合同准据法为英国法时,除船员人身伤亡和油污外,直接请求权受到被保险人破产和先付原则的限制。对于其他任意责任保险,则需根据《商法》和《国际私法》的规定确定直接请求权的行使范围、保险人抗辩范围、先付条款的效力等。
Korea’s Legislation and Judicial Practices on Direct Rights in Marine Liability Insurance
MA Yan-qiu
Abstract:More and more interests have been attracted to the legal system of direct rights against marine liability insurers by third parties. South Korea has not acceded to any international convention concerning direct rights against marine liability insurers,but its Commercial Code, in article 724 (2), gives a specific provision on direct rights, which is generally interpreted as an unlimited right and mandatory. However, where English law is agreed to be the applicable law, except seaman’s personal injury and death or oil pollution damage, direct claims may not be enforced due to the prerequisite of the assured’s bankruptcy and the “pay to be paid” principle. For non-mandatory liability insurance, it is necessary to determine the detailed scope of the direct right, the defense scope of the insurer against the third party and the validity of the “pay to be paid” clause based on the provisions of the Commercial Code and the Private International Law of South Korea.
Key words:direct rights;applicable law;defense by insurers;P & I Club;pay to be paid