
[中图分类号]F840.66  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1004-3306(2020)04-0069-08 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.04.005


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[摘   要]金融的本职即是为实体经济服务,农业信贷与保险作为我国支农金融体系的重要组成部分,有必要发挥其职能作用支持农业发展。本文论述了银保联动支农的内在逻辑,即资本逐利与规避风险的特性与农业产业低收益高风险的特性相矛盾,这种矛盾导致市场化的农业金融供给不足,无法满足农业发展的金融需求,而银保联动则可以从本质上解决金融业与农业间的这种矛盾。进一步地,本文分析了我国银保联动的实施现状与问题,并给出改进路径:由政府部门推动促进银保联动;处理好农业信贷和农村保险的竞合关系;建立信息共享机制,降低监督成本等;加强宣传、提高农户对银保产品的认同感和参与度。



Agricultural Loan and Insurance Jointly Supporting Agricultural Development:Intrinsic Logic and Path for Improvement

LIN Kai-xuan

Abstract:The financial sector is responsible for serving the real economy. Agricultural loan and insurance are both important components of the agriculture-supporting financial system,and therefore should avail of their inherent functions to support the agricultural development. The paper elaborated on the intrinsic logic for the bank-insurance interaction in supporting agricultural development,namely,capital’s profit-seeking and risk-adverse nature conflicted with the low-return and high-risk nature of the agricultural industry,but the bank-insurance interaction could effectively solve this contradiction. Furthermore,the paper reviewed the current situation of bank-insurance interaction in China and offered the following path for improvement:government’s promotion,proper arrangement of the competition and cooperation relationship between agricultural loan and agricultural insurance,establishing the information-sharing mechanism and reducing supervisory costs,and stepping up on publicity and improving farmers’ recognition of and participation to bank-insurance products.

Key words:bank-insurance interaction;agricultural development;intrinsic logic;path for improvement
