[中图分类号]F842.64 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2020)06-0029-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.06.003
[摘 要]我国是一个自然灾害多发的国家,巨灾风险始终是我国社会治理,尤其是公共风险治理的重要领域。从历史看,我国巨灾风险管理的“举国体制”发挥了重要作用,功不可没,但面向未来,特别是在推动国家治理体系和能力现代化的背景下,传统模式面临困境和挑战。长期以来,巨灾保险制度的一系列基础难题是困扰制度建设的瓶颈,按照传统的思维模式和技术手段难以突破,因此,我国的巨灾保险制度建设需要在新型举国体制思想的指导下,充分发挥社会主义制度的优势,在政府主导、政策扶植的基础上,明确巨灾保险的定位,通过制度和模式创新,充分发挥市场配置资源的作用,构建一种政府、市场和社会齐心协力、齐抓共管、优势互补、分工合作的机制。同时,在实现路径上,要本着求真务实的精神,循序渐进地推动制度建设,形成逐步剥离和接替的机制,最终建立一种解决灾后重建资金保障的巨灾保险制度,形成长期和社会化的积累机制,为社会的持续健康发展提供制度和资金保障。
Positioning,Innovation and Execution Path of Catastrophe Insurance in China
Abstract:China is vulnerable to frequent natural catastrophes,therefore catastrophe insurance has always been an important part for China′s social governance,especially in the area of public risk governance. Historically speaking,the “nationalized mechanism” has played an important role and made undeniable contributions in catastrophe management in China. However,looking into the future,the traditional model faces with difficulties and challenges,particularly under the background of promoting modernization of the national governance system and capability. The series of fundamental difficulties have long held back the construction of the catastrophe insurance system,and traditional thinking and technology cannot break through the bottleneck. Therefore,the catastrophe insurance system should be constructed under the guidance of the new nationalized mechanism,and fully avail of the advantages of China′s socialism system. On the governance-led and policy-support basis,we should clarify the catastrophe insurance′s positioning,innovate on its mechanism and operation model,fully mobilize the role of resource allocation of the market,and constitute a mechanism featured with concerted efforts by the government,market and society,complimentary strength,and cooperation and job division of them. As for the execution path,we should be realistic and pragmatic,propel the establishment of the system step by step,create a gradual outsourcing and replacement mechanism,ultimately establish a catastrophe insurance system guaranteeing post-catastrophe rehabilitation funds,form a long-term and socialized accumulation mechanism,and offer institutional and financial support for sound and continuous development.
Key words:catastrophe;social governance;catastrophe insurance;new nationalized mechanism