[中图分类号]F842.9 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2020)07-0122-06 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.07.010
[摘 要]中外文保单之争是近代保险史研究中较为薄弱的领域,本文在整理分析资料的基础上指出,近代中外保险公司所开保险单一律采用外文书写,或者少量中文而以更加详实的“外文为准”,这使得信息不对称问题日益凸显。民元以后,随着收回利权运动的勃兴,推行中文保单提上议事日程,华商(团体)、保险同业公会、政府相关部门几经博弈,1936年9月中文保单之推行终告尘落。通过考察这段历史,本文认为近代历届政府、保险行业组织的不作为甚至反向作为在一定程度上阻碍了保险业在近代中国的健康发展。
The Disputes over and Practices of Modern Chinese Insurance Policy
HE Ying
Abstract:The disputes between Chinese and foreign insurance policies are a relatively weak field in the study of modern insurance history.This paper sorted out and analyzed various materials,and pointed out that modern Chinese and foreign insurance companies all used foreign languages in their insurance policies,or used scanty Chinese,but the foreign language with more detailed information should prevail in case of disputes.As a result,the market failure problem due to inefficient resource allocation created by information asymmetry became increasingly prominent.With the rise of the recovery of rights movement,the promotion of Chinese language insurance policy was put on the agenda.After several tries by Chinese merchants (groups),insurance guild and the relevant government departments,the promotion of Chinese language insurance policy finally came to an end in September 1936.By studying this history,the author holds that the inaction or even counter-action of the governments and insurance organizations hindered the healthy development of the insurance industry in modern China.
Key words:modern insurance industry;Chinese language insurance policy;foreign language insurance policy