
[中图分类号]D922.286[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2020)07-0094-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.07.008


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]人身保险合同的投保人抑或被保险人或者受益人的债权人,能否就人身保险合同的财产性权益,尤其是能否对保单的现金价值申请强制执行,是困惑法院强制执行实践及保险实务界的重要课题。厘清人身保险合同财产性权益的种类、权利归属以及与一般债权的区别,回答其是否为专属性的债权以及是否可以作为强制执行的标的,确定强制执行适格被执行人,以及强制执行程序、适用措施与法律效力等,为人身保险合同财产性权益强制执行提供理论基础具有现实意义和价值。人身保险合同现金价值强制执行所涉合同解除问题,债权人或者法院是否可以行使债权人代位权等,一方面要体现对债权人利益的保护,另一方面还要追求被执行人基本生活保障的价值取向,对人身保险合同财产性权益的强制执行进行合理限制。



A Study on Compulsory Enforcement of the Property Rights of the Life Insurance Contract

LI Li,XU Chong-miao

Abstract:An important and perplexing issue in compulsory court enforcement and insurance practices is whether or not the creditor of the life insurance contract′s policyholder,the insured or beneficiary can apply for compulsory enforcement of the property rights of the life insurance contract,especially the cash value of the insurance policy.It is valuable to provide a theoretical basis for the enforcement of property rights in life insurance contracts by clarifying the types of property rights in the life insurance contract,the ownership of the rights and the differences from general creditor`s rights,whether they are exclusive claims and whether they can be the subject of compulsory enforcement,the eligible person subjected to execution,and the procedures for enforcement,measures and effects,etc.It is required that compulsory enforcement should be reasonably restricted due to a number of considerations such as the termination of the contract resulting from the compulsory enforcement of life insurance contract cash value and whether the creditor or court can exercise the creditor′s subrogation right,so that the enforcement should,on the one hand,protect creditors′ interest,and on the other hand,ensure the basic livelihood of the party that are executed.

Key words:life insurance contract;property rights;civil compulsory enforcement;creditor subrogation;right of intervention
