[中图分类号]F832.49[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2020)09-0022-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.09.002
[摘 要]保险金信托是融合保险与信托双重属性的新型财富管理工具,2014年首次引入中国。在保险金信托的架构设计之下,信托受托人兼任了保险受益人的角色,在保险金信托2.0模式中更是兼任了保险投保人的角色,承担了较多的事务型管理职责。然而,对于保险金信托受托人履行信义义务的规制手段较为欠缺,不利于维护保险金信托委托人的意志和受益人的利益,亦不利于保险金信托产品乃至财富管理行业的长远健康发展。信托起源于罗马法,成型于英美法,对我国法律制度而言是舶来品;而在信托存续和实施过程中发挥监督受托人、保护受益人重要作用的信托监察人制度,来源于日本,后“逆进口”至英美法系国家。目前,信托监察人制度在中国信托法中只对于公益信托进行了简要规定,不仅缺乏配套细则,并且对于保险金信托这一新生事物是否可以适用信托监察人制度未作明确规定,成为保险金信托中的一项制度空白。本文基于制度构建的理论视角,结合国内实情和国外经验,论述了保险金信托监察人制度的研究意义与制度功能,并从制度构建的意义与制度构建的方案双重层面,探讨了保险金信托监察人制度的构建问题。
A Research on the Establishment of Insurance Trust Protector Mechanism
ZHOU Yan-li,GAO Hao,LUO Jun
Abstract:Insurance trust is a new wealth management tool combining the dual nature of insurance and trust.It was first introduced into China in 2014.Under the structural design of the insurance trust,the trustee plays the role of the insurance beneficiary and also the insurance policyholder in the insurance trust 2.0 model,shouldering more routine work.However,the lack of regulation rules for the trustee to fulfill the fiduciary duty makes it difficult to safeguard the will of the trust settlor and the interests of the trust beneficiary,nor is it conducive for the long-term and stable development of the insurance trust products and even the insurance wealth management industry.Trust originated from Roman law and was maturely formed in common law.It is an imported legal system for civil law jurisdictions of China.The trust protector system,which plays an important role in supervising the trustee and protecting trust beneficiary in the process of the implementation and distribution of the trust,originated from the innovation of Japan and was “reversely imported” to the common law countries.At present,the trust protector mechanism is only briefly specified for the public trust in the Trust Law of China,lacking corresponding implementation measures.There is also no mentioning whether such mechanism can be applied to the newly emerged insurance trust,resulting in a mechanism deficiency in the operation of insurance trusts.Based on the perspective of mechanism establishment,and combining domestic situations and foreign experiences,this paper discussed on the theoretical significance and institutional function of the insurance trust protector mechanism,and elaborated on both aspects of necessity and feasibility on the establishment of the insurance trust protector mechanism .
Key words:insurance trust;trust protector;Trust Law;Insurance Law;mechanism establishment