
[中图分类号]F840[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2020)09-0003-19 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.09.001


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]保险中心形成领域的理论研究总体而言还是一个空白,而其在中国环境下具有一定的现实需求和理论价值。本文立足于保险中心建设的理论和现实需求,探讨了经典理论和全球经验下有关保险业集聚和保险中心形成的基本命题,构建了一个关于保险中心形成动力机制的理论模型,使用机器学习等方法进行了实证分析,并在此基础上提出了保险中心形成的基本政策框架。本文对于研究保险中心形成相关领域、金融集聚以及更广义的金融中心形成具有理论参考价值。

[关键词]保险中心;理论模型; 现实解释; 集聚


Formation of Insurance Center:Theoretical Model and Realistic Explanation

JIN Peng-hui,WAN A-jun

Abstract:The research on the formation of insurance centers is generally a blank,but it has certain practical and theoretical value in the China′s environment.Based on the theory and realistic needs of the construction of insurance centers,this paper explored the classical theory and the basic theme on the insurance industry clustering and insurance centers against global experiences.It built a theoretical model about the driving mechanism for the formation of the insurance center,using machine learning method for the empirical analysis.Then,on this basis,the paper put forwards the fundamental policy framework for the construction of insurance center.This study is a supplement to the literature in the field of the insurance center formation,and it also provides guidance for the research on financial agglomeration and formations of financial center in a broad view.

Key words:insurance center;theoretical model;practical explanation;agglomeration
