[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2020)12-0105-15 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.12.008
[摘 要]借款保证保险作为一种财产保险业务,为促进消费金融和中小企业融资发挥着积极作用,在保障债权的实现方面具有重要现实意义,但由于《保险法》对此并未作具体规定,实务中出现了一些争议较大且迫切需要澄清的问题。特别是保险责任承担方面,保险人与借款债权担保人并存时的责任承担顺序,在当事人对此无约定时,应允许被保险人选择先行使何种权利。仅凭合作协议无法构成保险法上的保险合同,只有具体保单生效后方使被保险人享有保险金请求权,但后者生效不会令前者效力终止,合作协议与具体保单之间的关系,是在保证保险整体交易体系下形成的先签合同和后续合同的关系,各自独立、互不取代,两者共同构成保证保险合同法律关系。除保险合同另有约定外,保险人同意承保后,不得以被保险人未尽贷款有关法律规定的资信审查义务为由主张免责。具体保证保险合同的违约金请求权与保险代位求偿权请求权基础不同、适用法律及审理规则亦不同,保险人不可在代位求偿权之诉中一并主张违约金。保险人取得代位求偿权后受让的债权,只要符合我国《民法典》有关债权转让的规定并履行通知义务,即应认可债权转让效力,但应根据不同情形对转让对象及受让人资格等有所限制。
A Study on Practical Issues of Loan Guarantee Insurance
LI Hui
Abstract:Loan guarantee insurance,as a kind of property insurance business,plays an active role in promoting the consumer financial market and SME financing,and has an important practical significance on safeguarding creditor’s rights.However,because the Insurance Law is lack of concrete and clear provisions on loan guarantee insurance,there are lots of disputes in practice,and should be clarified imminently.In particular,regarding the undertaking of insurance liability,when the insurance liability and the guarantee liability coexist,the insured shall be allowed to choose which right to exercise first when there is no special agreement.The cooperation agreement alone cannot constitute the insurance contract.The insured can enjoy the claim right only when the specific insurance policy takes effect.But,the cooperation agreement will not become invalid by the effectiveness of the insurance policy.As to the relationship between the cooperation agreement and the insurance policy,the former is a prior contract and the latter is a follow-up contract.They are independent,irreplaceable of each other,and together constitute the legal relation of the guarantee insurance contract.Unless it is otherwise specified,the insurer cannot claim exemption from liability on the ground that the insured fails to fulfill the obligation of loan-related credit examination.The basis of claim,the applicable laws and trial rules for liquidated damages of guarantee insurance contract are different from those of subrogation of the insurance contract,therefore,the insurer cannot claim liquidated damages in a suit of subrogation.For the debt claim right granted to the insurer after it has acquired the right of subrogation,as long as it conforms to the provisions of the Contract Law of China and performs the obligation of notification,the validity of the assignment of creditor’s rights shall be recognized,but the object and assignee qualification should be limited according to different circumstances.
Key words:guarantee insurance; cooperation contract; liability exemption; subrogation right