[中图分类号]F832.7[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2020)12-0082-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2020.12.006
[摘 要]尽管我国农民收入不断提高,但边远地区依然有众多的农村贫困人口,普惠金融在实现脱贫过程中可扮演一个重要的角色。本文基于新疆的微观调查数据,利用有序Logit模型,研究影响边远地区农村居民享受金融服务的内外在因素。研究发现,受教育程度、年龄、从事劳动、家庭规模、家庭收入、收入来源、区域、金融服务距离、网点数量、产品服务种类、金融服务成本、信用等对金融服务的影响较大,且各因素中处于不同状态在优先序上有所不同;健康、婚姻状况、社会互动、金融知识对金融服务有一定的影响,性别的影响不显著。本文的政策涵义在于:为提升边远地区农村居民享受金融服务的水平,应构建边远地区农村普惠金融发展体系、创新服务于农户和农村小微企业的普惠金融发展模式、对边远农村地区实行金融、产业、教育等全方位的扶贫。
The Analysis about the Status and Influencing Factors of Financial Services Access by Rural Residents In Remote Areas Based on Micro-survey Data in Xinjiang
YANG Xin-shun,LEI Han-yun
Abstract:Despite the rising income of rural residents in our country,there are still a large number of poverty-stricken people in remote rural areas,and the inclusive finance can play an important role in poverty alleviation.We used an orderly Logit model to study the internal and external factors affecting the financial service access by the rural residents in remote areas based on the micro-survey data in Xinjiang.We found that the education,age,labor work,family size,household income,income sources,regions,distance to financial services,number of outlets,types of products and services,financial services costs and credit had a greater impact on the financial services,and each factors in the different states was different in the priority order.The health,marital status,social interaction and financial knowledge had some impact on financial services,but the impact of gender was not significant.The policy implications of this article are as follows:to promote the level of financial services enjoyed by rural residents in remote areas,we should construct the development system for rural financial services,innovate the inclusive financial development model for rural households and rural small and micro enterprises,and comprehensively raise the financial,industrial and educational levels in remote areas.
Key words:financial services; rural residents in remote areas; internal and external factors; micro-survey