[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2021)01-0107-16 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.01.007
[摘 要]强制汽车保险的主要政策目的在于给予交通事故受害人充分且快速的救济,而通过何种立法模式可以顺利实现上述目标一直是各国(地区)立法者所面临的核心难题。为了缓解或彻底摆脱汽车交通事故侵权责任认定费时耗力的困境,比较法上出现了四种立法模式。以此为参照,我国的交强险倾向于采取修正的责任保险模式,因而使得交强险给付在很大程度上与被保险人的机动车道路交通事故侵权责任分离。也由于交强险片面强调社会救济功能的实现以致于过分偏离了责任保险的轨道,加之诸多不合理的规则设计,产生了一系列的问题,其实并未真正实现保护受害人的目标。因此在立法论上有必要在《民法典》施行之际对交强险的立法模式加以修正,使其尽可能地回归责任保险的框架,也可更好地应对自动驾驶汽车时代的到来。
Comparison,Positioning and Outlet:On the Legislative Model of Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles in China—A Writing on the 15th Anniversary of the Promulgation of Regulation on Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insuranc
Abstract:To give the injured party sufficient and quick compensation is the policy objective of the Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Compulsory Traffic Liability Insurance).And what legislative model can help to reach this objective has been the core problem faced by lawmakers all over the world.To settle the issue that the confirmation of traditional auto liability in tort law is time-consuming and laborious,there are four legislative models in comparative law.Taking them as references,China is inclined to adopt the model of modified liability insurance,so the benefit payment of the Compulsory Traffic Liability Insurance is separate from the tort liability of traffic accident to a large extent.However,the Compulsory Traffic Liability Insurance overemphasizes its social relief function excessively and therefore deviates from the course of liability insurance,and leads to some unreasonable designs of rules and some problems.As a result,the current legislative model fails to achieve the intended policy objective.Hence,taking the opportunity of the implementation of the Civil Code,it is necessary to correct this model to make it return to the liability insurance framework as far as possible in vision of the era of self-drive motor vehicles.
Key words:Compulsory Auto Insurance;Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles;protection of the injured party;no-fault insurance;liability insurance