
[中图分类号]F840[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2021)01-0003-19 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.01.001


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[摘   要]农业风险是导致中国农村贫困的主要原因之一,有效的风险管理工具能够减少因农业灾害致贫和返贫。兼具公平性、保障性、政策性和市场性的普惠保险,将是保险领域减少贫困最行之有效的工具之一。本文阐述了普惠保险减贫的影响机制和空间溢出机制,采用2010~2018年省级面板数据对我国普惠保险发展指数进行测度,并使用空间回归模型探究普惠保险减贫的空间效应。结果表明,我国普惠保险发展水平呈现出“东西高、中部低”的分布特征,普惠保险发展水平越高,贫困发生率越低,同时还存在空间溢出效应和区域差异。基于此本文建议:继续大力发展普惠保险,实施区域差异化、多元化普惠保险发展策略;强化保险宣传教育,提高农户保险意识;各地政府打破行政区划限制加强区域普惠保险合作;根据区域特征实施不同的瞄准机制,提高普惠保险扶贫的精准性。




Poverty Alleviation Mechanisms and Spatial Effects of Rural Inclusive Insurance

XU Ting-ting,CHEN Xian-jie

Abstract:Agricultural risk is one of the important reasons that lead to rural poverty in China,and effective tools of risk management can be used to reduce poverty and relapse to poverty caused by disasters.Inclusive insurance embodies fairness,protection function and marketability,which makes it an effective insurance tool to alleviate rural poverty.This paper discussed the impact and spatial spillover mechanisms of rural inclusive insurance alleviating poverty,using provincial panel data to measure inclusive insurance development index,and testing the spatial effects and robustness of inclusive insurance’s poverty alleviation.The results show that inclusive insurance developmental level in China presents a distribution characteristic of “high in the east and west regions,low in the middle”;the higher its developmental level,the lower the poverty incidence rate;and there is spatial spillover effect and regional heterogeneity in poverty alleviation of inclusive insurance.This study has four policy implications.First,the government should continue to vigorously develop inclusive insurance and implement regionally differentiated and diversified strategies.Second,insurance education need to be strengthened to improve rural insurance awareness.Third,local governments break the restrictions of administrative divisions to enhance cross-regional cooperation of inclusive insurance.Fourth,targeting mechanism with provincial characteristics should be enforced to improve the accuracy of inclusive insurance poverty alleviation.

Key words:inclusive insurance;poverty alleviation;spatial effect
