
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2021)05-0117-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.05.009


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[摘   要]被保险人与第三人就责任关系达成的和解协议对保险人影响甚巨,故《保险法解释(四)》第19条赋予保险人对和解协议认可与否的自由。相比不予认可这一事后救济手段,作为事前防御措施的和解参与权不失为一种更好的方案,保险实务中合同约定保险人和解参与权的做法已不罕见。在立法论上,和解参与权的规范构造包括被保险人的通知义务、保险人参与和解并表示认可的权利、和解参与权在诉讼和解与调解中的适用以及保险人未参与的效力等方面。为防止保险人滥用和解参与权,应对和解参与权作适当规制。考虑到我国保险实务的实际情况,不应全面确立和解义务,而应当在坚持权利定位的基础上,确认保险人参与和解的不真正义务以及和解参与过程中的保护义务。




Liability Insurer’s Right to Participate in Settlement and Its Regulation

WANG Wen-jun

Abstract:The settlement agreement between the insured and the third party on the liability relationship has a huge impact on the insurer. Therefore, Article 19 of the "Insurance Law Interpretation (4)" gives the insurer the freedom to approve the settlement agreement. Compared with the unrecognition as the ex-post remedy, the right to participate in settlement as an ex-anti defensive measure is a better plan. In insurance practice, it is not uncommon for the insurer to reserve the right to participate in settlement in the insurance contract. On the legislation perspective, the normative structure of the right to participate in settlement includes the insured’s obligation to notify, the insurer’s right to participate in settlement and express its approval, the application of the right in litigation settlement and mediation, and effect of the insurer’s failure to participate. In order to prevent the insurer from abusing the right to participate in settlement, the right should be properly regulated. Taking into account the actual situation of China’s insurance practice, instead of fully establishing the duty to settlement, we should affirm the obliegenheiten of the insurer to participate in settlement and the duty of protection in the process of negotiation on the basis of insisting on the right orientation.

Key words:liability insurance; the right to participate in settlement; obliegenheiten; duty of protection
