[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2021)07-0116-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.07.008
[摘 要]承运人投保货运险并将自己列为被保险人,保险事故发生后,承运人请求保险赔付,保险人以“被保险人对保险标的不具有保险利益”为由抗辩常引发纠纷。保险利益的判断标准分为被保险人对保险标的具有合法的经济利益和被保险人需实际负担风险。承运人对其运送的货物享有责任利益,该保险利益与货运险的可承保利益不匹配。财产保险合同中保险利益并非合同效力要件,承运人不具有货运险下可承保利益的事实不影响保险合同的效力。保险人在订立保险合同的过程中,经由当然解释,对保险合同的可承保利益负有明确说明义务。若保险人对可承保利益等影响承运人订约的事项未尽明确说明义务,导致承运人错投货运险,保险人应承担缔约过失责任。承运人投保货运险,其订约意图可分为承运人为货主的利益投保货运险和承运人为自己的利益投保货运险两种情形。
Recognition of Insurer′s Liabilitiy on Cargo Insurance Purchased by the Carrier
GAO Jun-tao,PAN Ji-ren
Abstract:The cargo carrier purchases cargo insurance and lists himself as the insured.Once the insurance accident takes place,the carrier submits claim requests to the insurance company.Then the conflict may arise when the insurer refuses the compensation by citing that the carrier has no insurable interest in the cargo-carried.The criteria for judging on insurance interest are that the insured has a legitimate economic interest in the subject matter of the insurance,and the insured needs to actually bear the risk.The carrier has a liability insurable interest on the cargo-carried,but this kind of insurable interest does not match the coverable interest of cargo insurance.Insurable interest is not a condition for the validity of property insurance contract,therefore the fact that the carrier does not have insurable interest under cargo insurance does not affect the validity of the insurance contract.In the process of concluding an insurance contract,through natural interpretation,the insurer has a duty to clearly explain the coverable interest of the insurance contract.If the insurer fails to clearly explain the coverable interest of contract and other matters affecting the carrier′s willingness to conclude a contract,causing the carrier to enter into an insurance contract in error,the insurer shall be liable for contractual negligence.When applying for cargo insurance,the carrier′s contracting intents can be protecting the interests of the cargo owners or protecting the interests for their own.
Key words:Cargo Insurance;insurable interest;coverable interest;right to claim insurance benefits