《保险研究》20210804-《数据密集科技在保险资金宏观策略研究中的应用》(白雪石 沈非若)

[中图分类号]F830.592 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2021)08-0052-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.08.004


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]数据密集科技对经济学及相关领域的研究产生了巨大冲击,其中就包括保险资金宏观策略研究领域。探索这一领域中数据密集科技的应用,有助于理解保险资金宏观策略研究在新技术和新方法下的演进、提升研究质效,进一步提升保险资金运用效率、防范化解金融风险。本文论述了数据密集科技对宏观策略研究的影响,并结合笔者在保险资金宏观策略研究中数据密集科技的应用实践,对这种影响给出更为直观的阐释:其一是数据边界的延拓,增强了数据的深度和广度;其二是数据处理能力的增强,运用算法识别并挖掘有效信息。然而,在当前技术水平下,算法在处理保险资金运用所需要的中长期策略时仍有不足,人的经济和市场直觉依然扮演重要角色。笔者认为,在数据密集科技时代,保险资金宏观策略研究应以通过科技手段来增强人的能力为中心,让人力和算力紧密结合,打造人工智能、商业智能和人力智能形成合力的研究模式,实现保险资金宏观策略研究体系的全面升级。




The Application of Data-Intensive Technologies in Macro Strategies in Insurance Fund Investment

BAI Xue-shi,SHEN Fei-ruo

Abstract:Data-intensive technologies have great impacts on researches in economics and related areas,with macro strategies in insurance fund investment included.Investigating the application of data-intensive technologies in this area contributes to the understanding of the evolution of researches in macro strategies in insurance fund investment,and to the enhancement of the quality and productivity of such researches,thus will improve the efficiency of insurance fund investment and mitigating the financial risks.This paper discussed the influence of data-intensive technologies to the researches in macro strategies in insurance fund investment.Supported by the authors′ practices,this paper offered a more direct explanation on such influences:one was extending the data frontier by deepening and expanding the dataset;the other was advancing data processing capability that algorithms were used to identify and extract valuable information.However,the current technologies are still insufficient in mid- and long-term horizon strategies in insurance fund management,where researchers′ intuition in economy and market constantly plays an important role.The authors believe that the researches in macro strategies in insurance fund investment should focus on strengthening researchers′ capability by means of technology in data-intensive technology times.By connecting human talent and computing power,and creating a research mode integrating artificial intelligence,business intelligence and human intelligence,a complete and systematic upgrade of macro strategies in insurance fund investment can be achieved.

Key words:data-intensive technology;insurance fund investment;macro strategy;investment research system
