
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2021)11-0115-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.11.008


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]我国《保险法》规定,投保人对保险合同享有任意解除权。但是,投保人行使任意解除权将使被保险人或受益人等第三人受损。为此,《保险法司法解释三》第17条专门作出规定,对第三人予以保护。本文以该条前段部分为实证法基础,从限制任意解除权行使的角度,重新检讨该情形中的第三人保护问题。第三人保护其实等同于如何限制投保人的任意解除权的问题:对第三人的保护越强,则对投保人解除权的限制越多;反之亦如此。对于任意解除权的限制,理论上一般有三种解决模式:“同意模式”“通知模式”以及“自由模式”。在这三种模式之间作抉择,其关键在于利他保险的对价关系。利他保险中一般存在两种对价关系:无偿的赠与关系和有偿的劳动关系,现行保险法是以无偿的赠与型利他保险为原型,所以在一般规则上,应当采用“自由模式”,即投保人可以自由行使任意解除权,无需经过受到第三人的限制。而作为例外,在“职工型利他保险”之中则应当采取“通知模式”,即投保人行使任意解除权时负有对第三人的通知义务。




A Study on the Protection for Third Party in Termination of Insurance Contract

CHEN Jing-shan,GAO Jun-hui

Abstract:According to the Insurance Law of China,the applicant can terminate the insurance contract at his or her discretion.Once the applicant terminates the insurance contract,the insured’s and the beneficiary’s interests in the insurance contract will be undermined.Therefore,the Article 17 of the"Judicial Interpretation III of the Insurance Law" makes a provision to protect the third party.Based on the front section of this Article as the empirical basis,this paper offered a review on the protection of the third party from the perspective of limiting the exercise of the discretionary termination right:the stronger the protection for the third party,the stricter the restrictions on the applicant to terminate the contract,and vice versa.Generally,there are three ways to limit the right of discretionary termination,namely,the "Mode of Consent",the "Mode of Notification" and the "Mode of Freewill".To make a choice among these three models,the key lies with the consideration relationship of altruistic insurance.There are generally two kinds of consideration relationship in altruistic insurance,namely,gratuitous gift and paid employment.The current Insurance Law of China takes “gratuitous insurance” as a prototype of altruistic insurance,so the "freewill model" should be adopted as the general rule,which means the applicant can freely exercise the right without any restriction by the third party.As an exception,the “Mode of Notification” should be applied in the type of “employee insurance”,which means the applicant is obliged to notice the third party when exercising any contract termination right.

Key words:altruistic insurance;discretionary right to terminate;third-party protection;consideration relationship
