[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2021)12-0085-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.12.006
[摘 要]我国《民法典》中的第三人清偿规则系以合同当事人为利益平衡中心,与保险合同第三人代缴保费中的被保险人中心地位无法契合。对此应以投保人和被保险人双重利益中心展开考察,在人身保险中赋予被保险人对包括利害关系人在内的第三人代缴的权利以决定权。利害关系人范围的界定需以对保险金的实际请求权为判断标准,并承认被保险人等特定利害关系人对第三人清偿行为的知情权,以防范道德危险的滋生。对人寿保险或长期健康保险,可借助于利他型契约关系,允许第三人及其债权人或破产管理人撤销保费代缴行为,并对现金价值行使独立而非追偿性的权利;对于财产保险,应注重对基础法律关系的考察,并承认担保权人在代缴保费对保险金的优先受偿权。
[基金项目] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目华东师范大学引进人才启动费项目“人身保险法律制度现代化研究”(2020ECNU-HLYT069)。
The Research on the Premium Payment by the Third Party in Insurance Contract from the Perspective of Civil Code
WANG Jia-jun
Abstract:The rule of settlement by the third party in Civil Code of PRC emphasizes contracting parties as the equilibrium of interests,which doesn′t match the central position of the insured in premium payment by the third party in insurance contract. The review should be proceeded from the dual interests of the policyholder and the insured,and the insured is conferred with the right to make decisions on the third party′s settlement,including interested parties,in personal insurance. The definition of the scope of interested parties should be based on the actual right to claim insurance benefit,and the insured and other particular interested parties should have the information right about the third party′s payment to prevent moral hazards. In life insurance and long-term health insurance,the altruistic contractual relationship can be used to allow the third party and creditors or the bankruptcy administrator to revoke the premium payment and exercise the independent right,not recourse right,to the cash value. For property insurance contracts,the underlying legal relationship should be reviewed,and recognize the secured party′s priority right to compensation for the insurance benefit after paying the premiums.
Key words:Civil Code;insurance contract;payment by the third party;interested relationship;right of recourse