
[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2021)12-0074-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.12.005


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]当前我国保险诈骗犯罪呈现出犯罪主体的团伙性与职业性、犯罪类型的多样性与复杂性、犯罪方式的欺骗性与隐蔽性、犯罪后果的危害性与严重性等特点。该罪的犯罪客体、犯罪对象、犯罪主体等基本构成要件以及共同犯罪的认定、犯罪未遂中着手的认定等都是需要关注的问题。结合典型案例进行分析,该罪客体是保险市场管理秩序和保险金的所有权,犯罪行为对象是保险金,犯罪主体是投保人、被保险人和受益人,共同犯罪的认定应根据行为人是否利用了保险公司工作人员的职务之便、保险公司的所有制性质以及在共同犯罪中的作用进行具体分析,犯罪未遂中着手的认定标准是行为人是否已经开始实施本罪犯罪构成客观要件的实行行为。


[作者简介] 曹顺明,法学博士,现任中国再保险(集团)股份有限公司法务总监;杨润宇,中国人民大学外国语学院学生;赵瑛,河北省邯郸市公安局复兴区分局经侦大队民警,经济犯罪侦查学硕士。

An Exploration on Many Issues Related to Insurance Frauds

CAO Shun-ming,YANG Run-yu,ZHAO Ying

Abstract:Insurance frauds exhibit multiple characteristics currently:subject of crime acts as a gang and profession,crimes are enacted in various forms with great complexity,forms of crimes are deceptive and elusive,and the consequences of crime are harmful and grievous. We should pay great attention to the basic components of the crime including the object of the crime,the target of the crime,and the subject of the crime,and the establishment of joint crime and the attempted crime,etc..Taking typical insurance fraud cases for analysis,the object of the crime is the administration order of the insurance market and the ownership to insurance benefits,the target of the crime is the insurance benefit,and subjects of crime are the insurance  applicants,the insured and the beneficiary,the establishment of the joint crime should be based on the facts whether the actor takes advantage of the official position of insurance company employees,the ownership nature of the insurer and the role played in the joint crime. The attempted crime is judged on the basis of whether the actor has started to conduct the behavior which is the necessary condition of the crime.

Key words:insurance fraud;the object of crime;the subject of crime;the attempted crime;the establishment of the joint crime
