
[中图分类号]F840[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)01-0021-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.01.002


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[摘   要]通信易懂的合同条款是保障金融消费者权益的重要体现。然而,如何衡量金融产品合同条款的可读性是一个难题,目前政产学研均未存在统一的方法度量与比较不同类型金融产品合同条款的可读性。本文针对中文金融产品特征构建指标,选取较为复杂的保险产品条款为例检验其有效性,并对我国在售的健康险产品条款可读性做相应分析。本文研究表明,我国健康险条款整体可读性不高,同时,从保险产品类型来看,重疾险条款的可读性最优、百万医疗次优、医疗险再次、终身重疾最次;从保险公司所有制类型来看,国有保险公司的条款普遍可读性更优;从公司类型来看,互联网保险公司的条款可读性极强,可读性指数大幅优于其他类型公司,银行系保险公司和专业健康险公司的条款可读性较差。本文为后续相关研究以及其他金融产品可读性分析提供了一定的技术性参考。



An Analysis on Readability of Financial Products from the Perspective of Consumer Protection —Based on the Measurement and Test of the Readability of Insurance Clauses

XU Xian,YANG Hao

Abstract:The easy-to-understand wording of financial products and their contract clauses is an important embodiment of protecting the rights of financial consumers,but how to measure the readability of financial product contracts is still a big problem.At present,there is no unified method among the industry,the administrative and academic fields to measure and compare the readability of contract clauses of different types of financial products.This paper constructed a readability index for Chinese financial products,selecting the relatively complex insurance clauses as examples to test its effectiveness,especially the readability of health insurance product sold in China.This study shows that overall the health insurance contracts in China are not that easy to understand,and from the perspective of insurance product types,the readability of critical illness insurance clauses is the best,followed by million-yuan medical insurance,medical insurance,and lifelong critical illness insurance;from the perspective of ownership types of insurance companies,the clauses of state-owned insurance companies are generally more readable;from the perspective of company types,the clauses of Internet insurance companies are highly readable,while the clauses of bank-owned insurance companies and specialized health insurance companies are relatively poor in readability.This paper provides a technical reference for the subsequent related research and the readability analysis of other financial products.

Key words:financial products;insurance clauses;readability;policy comparison;consumer protection
