
[中图分类号]DF438.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2022)04-0069-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.04.005


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]保单质押继承了普通债权质押对于利益平衡的价值追求,但现行格式条款刻意强化质权人利益,打破了保单质押既有的利益平衡体系,以致于质权人既可以从保险金中优先受偿,又可以通过中止或解除保险合同实现担保物权。因此有必要在受益人与质权人之间建立利益平衡机制:一是质权人中止或解除合同时,允许受益人行使介入权进行救济。这样既能以微小的代价换来保险合同效力的维持,同时质权人的债权也能得到清偿。同时辅以豁免执行制度弥补介入权制度的根本性缺陷,维护受益人基本的生存利益;二是质权人以第一受益人身份得到优先受偿,从而将保险金偿还贷款本息的决定权交由被保险人行使,由被保险人防范保险金请求权变动而可能产生的道德危险。



Balance of Interests between Beneficiaries and Lenders in Policy Loan—Against the Background of the Issuance of the Civil Code

HUANG Yu-bin

Abstract:The policy loan inherits the value pursuit of balance of interests from the ordinary debt pledge,but the current standard clause deliberately strengthens the pledgee's interests and breaks the established balance of interests of the policy loan,so that the pledgee not only enjoys priority in accessing the insurance benefits,but also can secure the property right by suspending or terminating the insurance contract. Therefore it is necessary to establish a balance of interest mechanism between the beneficiary and the pledgee. Firstly,when the pledgee suspends or terminates the contract,the beneficiary is allowed to exercise the right of intervention for relief. In this way,the effectiveness of the insurance contract can be maintained at a small cost,while the pledgee's claim can also be satisfied. At the same time,this process can be supplemented by the exemption from enforcement system to make up for the fundamental defects of the intervention right system and maintain the basic survival interests of the beneficiary. Secondly,the pledgee is given priority to be paid as the first beneficiary,so that the decision to repay the principal and interest of the loan by the insurance benefit is left to the insured,who will guard against the moral hazard that may arise from the change of the insurance benefit claim.

Key words:policy loan;beneficiary;pledge of ordinary debt;balance of interests;irrevocable beneficiary
