[中图分类号] D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2022)05-0102-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.05.007
[摘 要]保险合同订立之前保险人及时地提供法律规定的信息,有助于提高投保决定的合理性,避免投保错误。德国实行去规范化政策之后,保险人的信息提供义务从监管法上的义务转变为保险合同法上的义务,并成为立法者强化投保人保护的重要工具。除一般保险条款外,德国法上保险人信息提供义务的范围还包括其他合同规定以及《德国保险合同法信息义务条例》规定的信息。无论当事人采取何种方式订立合同,保险人都应当以文本形式履行信息提供义务,这不仅便于保全证据,而且有助于减少纠纷。随着保单模式的废止,保险人履行义务的时间被提前到了投保人发出意思表示之前,一定情形下还会延伸到合同存续期间。立法者严格限制投保人的弃权行为,并将保险人履行信息提供义务作为投保人撤回权期限起算的前提。信息提供义务的范围限于标准化的信息,投保人自主决定权的全面保障需要保险人咨询义务和一般保险条款订入规则的配套。
The Insurer′ Duty of Providing Information under German law—Also on the Improvement of the Insurer′s Explicit Explanation Obligation in China
SHEN Xiao-jun
Abstract:The insurer timely providing legal and regulatory information to the policyholder prior to the conclusion of the insurance contract is helpful in improving the rationality of the policyholder′ decision and avoiding the mistake in application.As the result of implementing the denormalization policy in Germany,the insurer′ duty of providing information has been an obligation in insurance contract law instead of regulatory law,and has become an important tool for legislator to strengthen the protection of policyholders.The information provided to the policyholder in German law includes information required by provisions of other contracts and the German Insurance Contract Act- Information Duty Regulation in addition to the general insurance clauses.The insurer shall inform the policyholder in the form of text irrespective of the way of concluding contract,which is not only convenient to preserve evidence,but also helpful to decrease disputes.With the abolishment of the policy-model,the insurer has to perform the duty prior to the declaration of intent expressed by the policyholder,which is early than before,and even throughout the policy period under certain circumstances.The legislator strictly limits the policyholder′s behavior of waiving and stipulates the insurer performing of duty as the prerequisite of the beginning of the revocation period.The policyholder can only get standardized information through the insurer′s performing the duty of providing information,therefore,it is necessary to integrate the insurer′s duty of providing information and its consultation duty into the general insurance clauses in order to comprehensively protect the policyholder′s right of self-decision.
Key words:duty of providing information;explicit explanation obligation;insurance clauses;right of revocation