
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)06-0100-15 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.06.007


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[摘   要]新业态从业人员的法律身份较为复杂,可能与平台企业构成劳动关系和不完全劳动关系。后者虽然无限接近于劳动关系,但是本质上仍然归于民事关系的范畴,适宜通过“做加法”的方式来实现劳动权益保障。职工社会保险制度的法理基础是经济从属性,不完全劳动关系也可能具备此性质,应当确定从属性的标准,为新业态从业人员准用职工社会保险的基本制度扫除法理障碍;考虑到这个群体的就业具备地区流动性强、稳定性差、时空转换频繁等特征,因此需要将构建一套不同于传统职工社会保险的专属制度作为最终目标。与我国现阶段经济社会发展状况相适应,并与现行社会保险制度相衔接,应当将参保缴费简单易操作、关系转移接续便捷、无因式补偿、待遇标准与收入水平相适宜确定为专属保险的基本原则,合理妥当地为这个群体规避生活风险和职业风险。




The Legal Analysis and Institutional Construction of Exclusive Social Insurance for Workers in the New Economy Industries


Abstract:The legal identity of workers in the new economy industries is complex,and may form labor relationship and incomplete labor relationship with platform companies.Although the latter is infinitely close to labor relationship,it still belongs to the category of civil relations in essence,therefore it is suitable to realize the protection of their labor rights and interests through the method of "addition".The legal basis of the employee social insurance system is economic subordination,and incomplete labor relations may also have this nature.The standard of subordination should be determined to remove legal obstacles for workers in the new economy industry to participate in the basic social insurance for employees.Considering this group has the characteristics of strong regional mobility,poor stability,and frequent time and space transitions,it is necessary to build an exclusive system different from traditional social insurance for employees as the ultimate goal.In line with the socio-economic situations in China and for aligning with the current social insurance system,the basic principles of this system should be simple and easy participation and premium payment,convenient transfer and continuation,factor-free compensation,and benefit standards appropriate with income levels.In so doing,the daily risks and occupational risks of this group can be reasonably and appropriately curbed.

Key words:workers in the new economy industries;exclusive social insurance;economic subordination;legal theory;system construction
