[中图分类号]F842[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)08-0112-16 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.08.009
[摘 要]如何提高非强制医疗保险的参保率是卫生经济学研究的重点。中国多地推出了普惠型补充医疗保险,但由于低参保率和逆选择等问题,普惠型医保面临可持续发展的挑战。本文使用随机实验方法考察提供大病费用信息及“政府主导”信息对年轻群体参加普惠型补充医疗保险意愿的影响。针对广州某高校学生的实验研究发现,上述两种信息干预能够显著提高大学生为自己和父母参加普惠型补充医疗保险缴费的意愿。其中,干预促进投保意愿的可能渠道为大病费用信息可以提高年轻群体的保险意识和保障需求;而“政府主导”的信息能够减少民众对商业保险的不信任程度,从而提高年轻群体的参保意愿。此外,信息干预对于大学生投保其他商业医疗保险意愿也有促进作用。
[基金项目]广东省自然科学基金(2022A1515011130); 高校基本科研业务费青年拔尖科研人才培育项目(22wkqb11)。
The Impacts of Information Intervention on the Inclusive Supplementary Medical Insurance Demand:Evidences from a Stochastic Field Experiment
SHEN Meng-han,ZHENG Xiang-rui,YE Xiao-yang
Abstract:How to raise the participation rate of voluntary medical insurance is an important research subject for health economics.Many places in China have introduced inclusive supplementary medical insurance.However,due to problems such as low participation rates and adverse selection,this insurance is facing the challenge of sustainability.This paper uses a randomized experiment to examine the effects of providing information on the cost of major illnesses and "government endorsement" information on college students′ willingness to participate in the inclusive supplementary medical insurance plans.Results from a field experiment with students at a university in Guangzhou found that both kinds of information intervention significantly increased college students′ willingness to pay for their own and their parents′ participation in the insurance program.The possible channel for the intervention to lift participation willingness might be that it could raise the insurance awareness and protection needs of the young population,while the "government endorsement" information could reduce people′s distrust in commercial insurance operated in a public-private model,thus increased the young population′s wiliness of participation.In addition,the information interventions also had a significant effect on the young students′ willingness to enroll in other commercial health insurance plans.
Key words:information intervention;stochastic experiment;inclusive supplemental medical insurance;government endorsement;costs of major illness