[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)08-0076-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.08.006
[摘 要]我国《保险法》复效规范在理论逻辑与规范构造方面,不利于保护被保险人或受益人合理期待权,也不利于保险公司的长远利益。本文以复效规范的构成为研究对象,运用比较研究法、法律解释法、实证研究法得出如下结论:我国的复效模式是“强制复效+除外情形”,现有的复效规范的刚性与技术性应加强;复效规范适用于期交保费的寿险、健康险(含长期护理险)、年金险合同,不适用于意外伤害险;复效规范应加强保险公司的欠费通知义务,取消自动起算60天宽限期的规定;保险人于应交保费到期日前15日书面通知投保人和被保险人,确认保险合同效力中止阻却事由条款的适用选择;复效后的合同是原合同效力的恢复,保险人有权依据我国《保险法》关于危险显著增加通知义务规定,在复效时增加免责条款;自杀条款免责期间自原合同生效之日起计算,对于不可保之自杀风险,保险人有权拒绝复效申请。
Constructing the Legal Norm on the Reinstatement of Insurance Contracts in China
LI Qing-wu,ZOU Wei
Abstract:The insurance contract's reinstatement norms specified in the Insurance Law are not conducive for protecting the reasonable expectations of the insured or the beneficiary,nor for the long-term development in the interest of the insurer.This paper made a research on the composition of reinstatement norms,using the comparative method,the legal interpretation method,and the empirical method,and reached the following conclusions and suggestions.The current reinstatement model in China is "mandatory reinstatement + exclusions".Its mandatory enforcement and technicality should be reinforced.Reinstatement norms apply to life insurance,health insurance (including long-term care insurance) and annuity insurance with regular premium payment,but are not applicable to accidental insurance.The reinstatement norms should strengthen the insurer's overdue payment notice obligation and abolish the 60-day grace period that automatically begins to run.The insurance company should notify the policyholder and the insured in writing 15 days prior to the premium due date,confirming the option to the nonforfeiture benefit options clause for preventing the lapse of the insurance contract.The reinstated contract is the restoration of the validity of the original contract.The insurance company is entitled to add an exclusion of liability on reinstatement in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Law on the obligation to notify a significant increase in danger.The exclusion period for the suicide clause runs from the date of entry into force of the original contract,and the insurance company has the right to refuse an application for reinstatement if the risk of suicide turns uninsurable.
Key words:reinstatement;life insurance;long-term care insurance;annuity insurance;long-term health insurance