
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)10-0087-15 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.10.007


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[摘   要]从对出口信用保险贸易纠纷类案件的司法裁判的实证研究来看,无论是对于纠纷先决条款效力认定规则还是对“贸易纠纷”涵义的解释规则,都存在着明显的“同案不同判、同判不同理”的情况,未能形成可资借鉴的类案裁判规则。在明晰对纠纷先决条款适用订入控制——内容控制——不利解释的逻辑进路进行效力评判的基础上,以保险法保险利益原则和损失补偿原则为核心进行内容控制评价,发挥其立法准则功能,以同一的标准选择性地认定部分纠纷先决条款的效力。同时,发挥以上两大基本原则的司法准则功能,对“贸易纠纷”进行目的解释后排除保险法不利解释的适用,从而创设出判断是否属于贸易纠纷以及贸易纠纷是否成立的实质性标准。



An Empirical Study of Adjudication Rules on Export Credit Insurance Trade Disputes Under the Similar Case Retrieval Mechanism—Based on the Basic Principles of Insurance Law

MO Xiao-yan

Abstract:From the empirical research on judicial judgments of export credit insurance trade disputes,there are obvious "different judgments in the same case,different rationales in the same judgment" phenomena,whether it is the rules for determining the validity of pre-dispute clauses or the rules for interpreting the meaning of "trade disputes",failing to form adjudication rules for similar cases that can be used for reference.On the basis of clarifying the validity evaluation of the logical approach of applying entry control-content control-adverse interpretation to the pre-dispute clauses,the content control evaluation is carried out with the principles of insurable interests and loss compensation as the core of the Insurance Law,so as to give play to its function as a legislative norm,and selectively determine the validity of some pre-dispute clauses with the same standard.At the same time,by giving full play to the functions of judicial norms of the above two basic principles,after explaining the purpose of "trade disputes",the application of the unfavorable interpretation of the insurance law is excluded,thereby creating substantive standards for judging whether it is a trade dispute and whether the trade dispute is established.

Key words:similar case judge;basic principle;pre-dispute;trade dispute
