
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)10-0074-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.10.006


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[摘   要]关于保险标的转让对于保险合同的影响,《保险法》第49条采取了从物主义立场,凸显对受让人的保护,性质上为相对强制规范。保险标的转让的主体为被保险人,转让的效力系使受让人承继被保险人地位,而非发生保险合同概括移转,同时,既已发生的保险金请求权并不跟随保险标的移转。保险标的转让的时点应为其权属移转时,《保险法解释(四)》第1条建立在买卖合同价金风险之负担规则上,实属误会。《保险法》第49条对保险人利益的平衡不足,未来修法时应增设保险人的任意解除权与受让人的拒绝权,限制投保人的任意解除权,强化转让通知义务,以期更好地平衡各方利益。




The Normative Structure and Perfection of the Rules for the Assignment of Insurance Objects—Focusing on Article 49 of the Insurance Law and Article 1 of the Interpretation of the Insurance Law (IV)

WANG Wen-jun

Abstract:Regarding the influence of the assignment of insurance objects on the insurance contract,Article 49 of the Insurance Law is a relatively mandatory rule which adopts a res-accessoria standpoint,highlighting the protection of the assignee.The subject of the assignment of insurance objects is the insured.The effect of the assignment is to make the assignee inherit the status of the insured rather than a general assignment of the insurance contract.Meanwhile,the incurred claim right for insurance benefit should not be assigned along with the insurance object.The time of the assignment of insurance objects should be the time of the assignment of the rights.Article 1 of the Interpretation 4 of the Insurance Law is based on the risk burden rules of the price risk in sales contract which is a misunderstanding.Article 49 of the Insurance Law doesn’t pay enough attention to the insurer.In the future revision of the law,the insurer’s right of optional termination and the assignee’s right to refuse should be added.The policyholder’s right of optional termination should be restricted and the obligation of assignment notification should be strengthened in order to balance the benefits of all parties.

Key words:assignment of insurance objects;res-accessoria standpoint;insurable interest;right of optional termination;notification of assignment
