
[中图分类号]F840.66[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2022)11-0003-07 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.11.001


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[摘   要]人类文明史在很大程度上就是一部灾害抗争史。在当前世界百年未有之大变局加速演进、全球气候变化加剧、极端气候频发的背景下,强化底线思维、增强风险意识对新时期守好“三农”战略后院,守住国家粮食安全这一底线具有重要意义。本文在中国共产党已走过百年历程,正在带领全国各族人民向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的历史节点,站在国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的高度,沿着加强防灾减灾到发展农业保险的路径,对中国共产党成立以来农业风险治理的伟大实践及其思想内涵进行了分析回顾,梳理总结出了坚持党的领导、坚持发展的理念、坚持政府和市场相结合以及坚持制度建设等4条宝贵经验,在此基础上提出了新发展阶段做好农业风险治理和国家粮食安全保障工作的5点建议。



From Disaster Prevention & Reduction to Agriculture Insurance:Experiences and Enlightenment of CPC’s Agriculture Risk Governance


Abstract:The history of human civilization,to some extent,is a history of disaster resistance.In the context of undergoing changes unseen in a century,the intensification of the global climate changes,and the high frequency of extreme climate,it is of great importance to strength the bottom line thinking and to increase the risk awareness for the protection of the “rural,agricultural and farmer” backyard,and the national food security in the new era of China.The CPC has gone through 100 years of long journey,and is leading the nation towards its 2nd centennial goal.From the perspective of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capability,this paper analyzes the great historical practices and ideological connotation of the CPC in leading the work from natural disaster resistance and relief to the agricultural insurance development.Four valuable experiences are summarized therefrom,namely,adhering to the leadership of the Party,holding fast to the concept of development,coordinating the government and market,and adhering to institutional construction.The paper further proposes five enlightenments for effectively conducting agricultural risk management and maintaining the national food security at the new development stage of China.

Key words:disaster prevention & reduction;agricultural insurance;risk management;risk governance
