[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)01-0116-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.01.009
[摘 要]预约保险合同在一定程度上独立于作为本约的航次保单,其有限的约束力和被保险人迟延申报的现象导致了保险人的保险责任能否溯及保险责任开始以前的保险事故的困境。此系由预约保险合同作为预约的本质、《海商法》第224条的僵化适用、未考虑善意迟延申报和“善意”标准不明所共同导致。改变预约保险合同作为预约的独立性,会导致告知义务淡化,也会使保险金额和保险价值存在不确定性。解决上述困境,应当区分善意与恶意的迟延申报,以迟延申报的数量、保险金额及相应保费、申报信息与实际情况的一致性和保险合同本身的约定作为善意的认定标准,并赋予货运保单于善意的迟延申报时,对保险责任开始前的保险事故的溯及力,同时建议在《海商法》修改时明确预约保险合同作为预约的性质,以及保险人在被保险人恶意迟延申报时解除合同的权利。
The Dilemma of and Solution to Delay in Declaration under Open Covers
LI Wen-wen
Abstract:The open cover is,to a certain extent,independent of the cargo transport policy as a kind of target contracts.Its limited binding force and the problem of delay in declaration by the insured have created a dilemma as to whether the insurance liability can be retroactive to the insurance accident before the insurance liability begins.The dilemma is caused by the nature of open covers,the rigid application of article 224 of Chinese Maritime Code,the failure to consider the bona fide delay in declaration and the unclear standard of “good faith”.The independence of open cover shouldn′t be changed,for the obligation of disclosure will be mitigated,and the amount and value of insurance will be uncertain.To solve the problem,it is necessary to distinguish between bona fide and malicious delay in declaration,clarify the criteria for interpreting “good faith” through the number of late declarations,the amount of insurance and the corresponding premiums,the consistency of the declaration information with the actual situation,and the plain meaning of the “good faith” in open covers themselves,and give the voyage policy retroactivity to the insurance accident before the insurance liability begins in the case of bona fide delay declaration.The paper suggests to clarify the open cover nature of such insurance contracts in the amendment of the Maritime Code, and the insurer's right to terminate the contract in case of malicious delay in declaration.
Key words:open cover;delay in declaration;good faith;retroactivity
《保险研究》20231206-《基于深度神经网络的端到端长期护理保险定价模型研究》(仇春涓、刘守贤、 张楠)