
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)02-0115-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.02.009


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[摘   要]《民法典》《个人信息保护法》等法律法规的修立搭建了保险消费者个人信息保护的框架。基于保险行业的特殊性,个人信息保护的一般性规定适用于保险领域时需要进行具体解读。保险消费者履行如实告知义务并非无限度,它与个人信息自决也并不矛盾。基因信息作为特殊的个人信息被用于核保时需要审慎对待,应严格控制保险人获取基因信息后的使用范围和方式,并充分尊重保险消费者的选择权。保险人处理个人信息除了要满足“知情-同意规则”外,还要受到正当原则、必要原则的制约。在保险消费者个人信息保护的法律救济路径选择上,需要结合立法目的和个案情境加以判断,给予当事人以选择权。基于保险领域的特殊性,侵犯保险消费者私密信息与敏感信息的侵权责任的归责原则应当统一,且与非私密信息、非敏感信息加以区别,以弥合目前法律规定的责任承担轻重失衡的局面。




Relief of the Dilemma of Insurance Consumer′s Information Protection

FAN Qing-rong

Abstract:Civil Code,Personal Information Protection Law,etc.have set up the framework of insurance consumers′ personal information protection.Based on the particularity of the insurance industry,the general provisions of personal information protection need to be interpreted in its context when applied to the insurance field.The duty of truthful disclosure of insurance consumers isn′t unlimited,nor does it contradict with consumer′s information self-determination.There is nothing wrong with genetic information being used in insurer′s underwriting process as special personal information.The key is to strictly control the scope and mode of use of genetic information obtained by insurers.The insurer′s handling of personal information should not only satisfy the "informed consent rule",but also be restricted by the principle of purpose limitation and necessity.In the choice of legal remedy path of insurance consumer personal information protection,it is necessary to judge by combining legislative purpose and individual case situation,and give the related parties the right to choose.Based on the particularity of the insurance field,the principles of tort liability attribution for infringement on private and sensitive information of insurance consumers should be unified and differentiated from non-private and non-sensitive information,so as to bridge the imbalance of the burden of liability.

Key words:Civil Code;personal information protection;insurance consumers;personal information self-determination
