[中图分类号]F840.67 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2023)05-0082-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.05.007
[摘 要]城镇职工养老保险、城乡居民养老保险参保者的福利差距是我国养老金体系的突出矛盾。在就业形式灵活化的时代背景下,灵活就业人员参保行为对我国养老金福利分层格局的演化起到决定性作用。本文使用中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,分析城职保缴费门槛对灵活就业人员参保行为的影响。研究发现,缴费门槛每提高一千元,灵活就业人员参加城职保的几率下降7.0%,同群效应在其中发挥部分中介作用。该负向影响仅限于已婚者和居民医保参保者,并随灵活就业者年龄的增大而增强。进一步分析表明,对于参保者而言,缴费门槛提高一千元,其缴费档次降低11.9%、断保几率提升100.7%、缴费年限降低7.1%。缴费门槛规制着灵活就业人员城职保福利资格的获取,并影响其福利积累的过程,是一种隐蔽的福利分层工具。当前的缴费门槛政策可能导致两大制度间福利分层效应的固化,甚至对部分参保者造成逆向的收入再分配。建议健全灵活就业人员就业监测制度,因地制宜设定缴费门槛,推广“助保”政策以减少断保行为,优化城乡养老保险制度衔接办法,深化收入分配改革以减弱劳动力市场分割程度。
Minimum Premiums of Urban Employees Basic Pension Insurance,Participation Behaviors of Flexible Workers and Benefit Stratification of the Basic Pension System—Evidences from CHFS 2015-2019
CHU Yi-an,ZHU Qin
Abstract:The benefit gap between participants in the urban employees′ basic pension insurance(UEBPI) and the basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents is a prominent contradiction in China′s social pension system.With more and more forms of flexible employment emerging in China,the insurance participation behaviors of flexible workers have a decisive impact on the evolution of the pension benefit stratification situation.Using the data of China Household Finance Survey(CHFS),this paper investigates the effect of UEBPI minimum premium on the insurance participation behaviors of flexible workers.The results indicate that for every one thousand Yuan increase in the minimum premium,the ratio of flexible workers participating in UEBPI will decrease by 7.0%.The peer effect plays a mediating role in it.Increasing with the age,the negative impact is only found in those who are married or have medical insurance for urban and rural residents.Further analysis of the insured people shows that for every one thousand Yuan increase in the minimum premium,the ratio of real contribution to minimum premium of flexible workers will be reduced by 11.9%,the odds of insurance termination will be increased by 100.7%,and the contribution duration will be reduced by 7.1%.The minimum premium regulates flexible workers′ acquisition of UEBPI and affects the process of their welfare accumulation.It is a hidden welfare stratification tool.The current minimum premium policy may lead to the solidification of existing benefit gap between the two social pension systems,and even produce reverse income redistribution for some participants.The following suggestions are put forward:improving the employment monitoring system for flexible workers;formulating minimum premium according to local conditions;promoting accessibility of assistance policy on insurance payment to reduce insurance termination;optimizing the connection method between urban and rural pension insurance systems;and deepening income distribution reform to weaken the labor market segmentation.
Key words:urban employees′ basic pension insurance;benefit stratification;flexible workers;insurance participation behavior;peer effect
《保险研究》20231206-《基于深度神经网络的端到端长期护理保险定价模型研究》(仇春涓、刘守贤、 张楠)