[中图分类号]F840.66 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2023)05-0003-06 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.05.001
[摘 要]在我国农业保险保费规模跨上千亿元台阶、顺利实现2022年阶段性目标任务之后,未来农业保险的发展方向和导向成为当前需要认真思考和回答的一个重大命题。本文从建设农业强国、实现农业农村现代化的客观需要和农业保险发展全局出发就此问题进行了深入思考,认为未来应坚持农业保险高质量发展的发展方向,推动建成农业保险强国,实现由数量扩张到稳量提质、由粗放到精准、由传统到现代、由单一向复合、由保物化成本向保收入的转变,在此过程中要坚持需求、精准、绩效、科技、绿色和创新的导向。
The Six Orientations for High-quality Development of China′s Agricultural Insurance
YUAN Chun-qing
Abstract:Since the scale of China′s agricultural insurance premiums has reached more than 100 billion yuan and successfully achieved the phased targets by 2022,its future direction of development has become a major issue that worth being well-thought out.With an in-depth consideration on the objective need to build up China as an agricultural power and realizing rural and agricultural modernization and the overall situation of agricultural insurance development,this paper is of the opinion that China′s agricultural insurance should adhere to the direction of high-quality development,building up China into an agricultural insurance power,and realizing the transformations from quantity to quality,from extensiveness to precision,from tradition to modernness,from single to compound,and from cost protection to income protection.In this process,it should be orientated towards demand,precision,performance,technology,green and innovation.
Key words:agricultural insurance;high-quality development;agricultural power;orientation of development
《保险研究》20231206-《基于深度神经网络的端到端长期护理保险定价模型研究》(仇春涓、刘守贤、 张楠)