[中图分类号]F840[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)06-0076-16 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.06.006
[摘 要]保险精算是保险行业科学决策的工具,起源于西方。19世纪中期起,西方保险精算思想通过三条路径向中国传播。首先,通过报刊推介人寿保险科学化思想,主张国内自主研究保费计算和生命表等基础精算原理。其次,通过数学与保险书籍建筑保险精算理论基础,《笔算数学》是国内普及非寿险算法的第一本书,《人寿保险计算学》基本塑成中国早期寿险精算理论框架。最后,通过精算师和生命表的编制助推保险精算理论的应用,如陈思度等中国第一代精算师成立国内精算组织,罗志如完成了对生命表编制法的技术性探索,袁贻瑾等也实现了中国生命表“从无到有”的跨越。总的来说,近代中国已形成较完整的寿险精算思想体系,并成为中国现代保险精算思想的厚植土壤:近代中国已完成了“精算师”“年金”等名词的翻译界定并沿用至今;近代中国寿险准备金算法已出现与中国现代保险精算理论相吻合的学理内容;近代中国保险业孕育的精算人才(陈思度、陶声汉、乌通元等),成为中国现代保险精算制度建设的先行之师。
The Dissemination Paths of Insurance Actuarial Thoughts in Modern China and Contemporary Values
ZHU Hua-xiong,WANG Wen
Abstract:Actuarial calculation is a scientific decision-making tool of the insurance industry,which is originated in the west.Since the mid-19th century,western actuarial ideas have spread to China through three routes.First of all,the modern Chinese newspapers and periodicals promoted the idea of life insurance science,advocating domestic research on basic actuarial principles,including premium calculation and life table compiling independently.Secondly,the actuary theoretical system was built with mathematics and insurance books.The Manual Computation Mathematics was the first book to popularize non-life premium algorithm in China,and the Life Insurance Computation primarily shaped the life insurance actuarial theoretical system in modern China.Finally,the actuarial practices were promoted through the compilation of actuaries and life tables.For example,the first-generation Chinese actuaries including Chen Si-du who established the domestic actuarial organization,Luo Zhi-ru who completed the technical exploration of life tables,and,with the efforts of Yuan Yi-jin and other scholars,gave birth to the first Chinese life table.Generally speaking,before 1949,China has formed a relatively complete life insurance actuarial theory,which became the solid foundation of contemporary actuarial theories.The terms "actuary" and "annuity" have been translated before 1949 and are still in use today.The life insurance reserve algorithm in modern China is similar to actuarial theories today.Actuarial talents(Chen Si-du,Tao Sheng-han,Wu Tong-yuan,etc.) nurtured by the insurance industry in modern China became the predecessors of the construction of China′s modern actuarial system.
Key words:modern China;insurance actuarial science;the dissemination paths
《保险研究》20231206-《基于深度神经网络的端到端长期护理保险定价模型研究》(仇春涓、刘守贤、 张楠)