[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)06-0062-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.06.005
[摘 要]只要是责任保险合同,就必然会涉及两层结构(责任关系和合同关系),而两层结构的分离使得责任关系中的责任确定结果不能直接约束合同关系中的保险人。这一两层结构在保护保险人的同时,也带来了双重审查、赔付拖延,乃至诉讼激增的问题。只有回归实体法,按照“保险人参与/无参与机会/放弃参与机会”进行类型区分和体系建构,才能达到平衡保险人和被保险人利益的同时,体系化解决这些问题的目标。当前我国司法实践对多种诉讼制度的不当运用,虽然能够暂时缓解两层结构带来的困境,但仍然存在着区分不合理、法律适用错误、逾越司法权限、适用效力不足与溢出等问题,应当予以摈弃。
On the System Construction of the Liability Determination Binding Force in the Liability Insurance
WU Yi-feng
Abstract:Liability insurance contract naturally involves the two-tier structure of the liability relationship and the contract relationship.The separation of the two-tier structure will make the liability determination in the liability relationship fail to directly bind the insurer in the contract relationship.While this two-tiered structure protects the insurer,it also brings problems like double examinations,delays in payment,and even a surge in litigation.In order to solve these problems under the two-tier structure,it is necessary to construct a legal doctrine system based on the types of insurer participation/no opportunity to participate/waiver of participation,which can effectively balance the interests of insurers and the insureds.In current judicial practices,there is “flexible application” of multiple litigation systems.Though this can temporarily mitigate the dilemma brought by the two-tiered structure,there exists the problems of irrational classification,errors in the application of laws,transgressing the jurisdiction of the judiciary,and "insufficiency" and "overflow" in the effectiveness of the application,therefore should be abandoned.
Key words:liability insurance;liability determination binding force;duty to defend;complementary explanation
《保险研究》20231206-《基于深度神经网络的端到端长期护理保险定价模型研究》(仇春涓、刘守贤、 张楠)