
[中图分类号]D922.284;D920.1[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)07-0103-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.07.008


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[摘   要]在风险社会的时代背景下,重大突发公共事件普遍呈现出社会个体所难以承受的“巨灾性”。将保险业纳入多元一体治理体系,发挥保险的风险保障职能,是治理重大突发公共事件的一个必要举措。考察保险抗疫的典型治理场景可以发现,保险治理重大突发公共事件仍然存在应急性、边缘化以及局部性的缺陷。为了发挥“固根本、稳预期、利长远”的治理效能,需要推进保险治理的法治化进程。在法治面向上应当确立有为政府与有效市场相结合的协同治理结构。在主体定位上,应将政府确认为元治理者,将保险人确立为“私人规制者”。在运行模式上,应当采取实验主义机制,在确保政府治理权威的同时,发挥保险人等市场主体的基层创新能力。




The Legal Path of Insurance Governance in Major Public Emergencies

HUANG Li-juan

Abstract:In the era of the risk society,major public emergencies generally present the characteristics of “catastrophe” that social individuals cannot bear.It is a necessary measure to bring the insurance industry into a diversified and integrated governance system and let it play the risk protection function.From the examination of the typical governance scenario of the insurance campaign against COVID-19,it can be found that the insurance governance of major public emergencies still has the defects of being a marginalized and emergent relief effected only on specific localities.In order to ensure the governance efficiency of “solidifying the fundamentals,stabilizing expectations,and beneficiary in the long term”,it is necessary to promote the rule of law in insurance governance.In the direction of the rule of law,a collaborative governance structure combining an active government and effective markets should be established.In terms of positioning of related entities,the government should be recognized as a meta-governor and insurers should be established as “private regulators”.In terms of the operation mode,an experimentalist mechanism should be adopted to ensure the authority of government while giving full play to the innovation of market entities such as insurers at the grassroots level.

Key words:major public emergencies;insurance governance;collaborative governance;experimentalism
