
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)07-0078-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.07.006


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[摘   要]劳动法视角下局限在劳动关系内部化解工资风险的个人负担措施,无力应对企业因暂时普遍遭遇生产经营困难而导致的部分或完全停工之挑战。此时,基于辅助性原则和落实失业保险预防失业功能之要求,依循社会连带思维与保险原理,在劳动关系外部,借助失业保险制度给付部分失业补贴,可以有效化解该工资风险。我国现有的稳岗返还措施,虽尝试借助失业保险制度化解工资风险,但其给付条件有违保险补偿之需要性和辅助性,给付内容(给付对象、给付程序和给付数额等)偏离保险性和社会适当性。立足国情,结合社会保险法理,有必要从明确给付对象,完善并协调劳动合同变更条件和补贴给付要件,提高失业保险待遇给付水平,灵活设置给付期限,细化给付程序等角度,重新构建一套给付部分失业补贴的工资风险社会化分担制度。


[基金项目]本文系国家社科基金重大项目“我国就业量质协调发展的动态监测与保障体系研究”(20 & ZD128)、2020年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“社会保险待遇权法律保障问题研究”(20YJC820012)。


Institutional Reflection and Reconstruction of Socialized Sharing of Wage Risk during Enterprise Shutdown

LIU Guo-Liang

Abstract:From the perspective of the Labor Law,the personal burden measures confined to labor relations to resolve wage risks are unable to cope with the challenge of partial or complete shutdown caused by temporary general difficulties in production and operation.Based on the principle of subsidiarity and the requirement of implementing the function of unemployment insurance to prevent unemployment,and following the social joint thinking and insurance principle,paying partial unemployment subsidies with the help of the unemployment insurance system outside the labor relations can effectively resolve the wage risk.Although China′s existing measures for returning to a stable post try to solve the wage risk by means of the unemployment insurance system,its payment conditions violate the principles of necessity and auxiliary nature of insurance ,and the payment contents (such as payment objects,payment procedures and payment amount) deviate from the principles of insurance and social appropriateness.Based on China′s actual situations and social insurance jurisprudence,it is necessary to reconstruct a socialized wage risk sharing system for partial unemployment subsidies from the perspectives of defining the payment object,perfecting and coordinating the conditions of labor contract change and the elements of subsidy payment,improving the payment level of unemployment insurance benefits,flexibly setting the payment period and refining the payment procedures.

Key words:wage risk;unemployment insurance;return to stable post;partial unemployment subsidy
