
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2023)09-0082-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2023.09.007


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]保险事故如已经发生,基于最大诚信原则之贯彻、道德危险之防免、社会财富最大化之追求等政策考量,《保险法》第57条确立了被保险人的减损义务。现行法存在的明显漏洞在于,如被保险人违背减损义务,从条文文义而言似乎不用承担任何不利的法律后果,但这显然不符合该条的规范目的。为填补该漏洞,主要存在两种解释论方案,其一为个别类推《民法典》合同编当一方违约时,守约方违背减损义务的法律后果,其二为总体类推《保险法》当保险事故已经发生,被保险人违反不真正义务所需承担的法律后果。基于构成要件之考量,尤其是保险给付不同于损害赔偿,加之特别法类推优于一般法类推、总体类推优于个别类推理念之贯彻,不真正义务体系下总体类推方法之适用更为妥适。未来应以《保险法》修订为契机,借鉴上述解释论上的合理结论将这一漏洞彻底予以填补。司法实践虽然已经意识到法律漏洞的存在,认可被保险人违反减损义务时保险人免责的可能性,但基本没有回归可能的类推适用方法之运用并予以详细的说理,解释论共同体之构建仍需努力。

[关键词]被保险人;减损义务;不真正义务 ;类推适用;总体类推



Legal Loophole and Legal Renewal on the Rules about the Insured′s Infringement of the Obligation to Decrease the Damage—the Application of the General Analogy Method in the System of Unreal Obligation in Insurance Law


Abstract:If the insured event has incurred,owing to the policy considerations like the pursuit of the principle of utmost good faith,the prevention of moral hazard and the maximization of social wealth,the Article 57 of the Chinese Insurance Law establishes the insured′s obligation to decrease the damage.The legal loophole in the current Law is that,as a literal understanding,the insured shall not take the consequence if he violates the obligation to decrease the damage,but this apparently goes against the legislative purpose.In order to fill this legal loophole,there are two ways from the view of interpretation theory.One way is to apply the rule about the consequences when the observant party violates the obligation to decrease the damage if the other party breaks a contract in the Contract Part of the Civil Code by individual analogy.The other way is to apply the rules about the consequences when the insured violates the unreal obligation if the insured event has incurred in the Insurance Law by general analogy.Considering the constitutive requirements,especially the insurance payment is different from the compensation for damages,and the fact that the special analogy method is better than the ordinary analogy method and the general analogy is better than individual analogy,the latter is more appropriate.In the future,we ought to fill this legal loophole by consulting the conclusion of the interpretation theory if the Insurance Law is to be revised .The judicial practices have realized this legal loophole and admitted the exemption of insurer under the circumstance of the insured′s infringement on the obligation to decrease the damage,but the question is that the judges don′t make use of the analogy method and make explanation in detail.The construction of interpretation community is still on the way.

Key words:Insured;Obligation to Decrease the Damage;Unreal Obligation;Application by Analogy;General Analogy
